On Friday the Oct 25th and Saturday the 26th educational seminars by Jeron Smith of Raven ReDrives Inc. were held at CopperState EAA Airshow.

Jeron Smith comments about the educational seminars he presented!  To keep up with further updates, got to - - http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/HondaFitAircraftEngine-Owners/info

"Just a quick note to let folks know that I'm back from Copperstate EAA AirShow and was very pleased with the turn out and great questions at the three free Educational Seminars I did there. Now its back to work on our Honda® Jazz/Fit 115HP engine package which we will be installing in a Zenair® 601 XLB for flight testing and then upgrading it to the 140+ HP turbo version which we have incorporated into our new Honda® engine package design from day one. We will then have an apples to apples comparison on this Honda® engine of the performance benefits of the same type of turbo upgrade kit we have been successfully installing on our Geo®/Suzuki® engine packages for well over a decade now.

I really appreciated the audience feedback from the Seminars as it always helps to get confirmation that the path you have chosen as a designer with a new product speaks directly to the marketplace. As usual, with our very specific 'Super-STOL' orientation in development of this Honda® engine package, we expect to carve out our own unique niche with a cutting edge proven product. I will be posting more regularly now on this site to share our design goals and business philosophy over the next few months and how we plan to optimize the full potential of this new engine.

Jeron Smith
Raven ReDrives Inc.
575-737-9656 cell 303-440-6234"

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Comment by Mark Maltais on November 16, 2013 at 9:17am

Thanks for the update. Nice to see great research going on and looking forward to seeing the final product!

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