2009 Annual Sun-N-Fun BBQ !!!!!

Event Details

2009 Annual Sun-N-Fun BBQ !!!!!

Time: April 23, 2009 from 6pm to 8pm
Location: Sun-N-Fun campgrounds, same location as last year, map will be posted in booth.
Phone: 519-590-7601
Event Type: builders, gathering, bbq, sun-n-fun
Organized By: Mark Townsend
Latest Activity: Mar 29, 2010

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Event Description

2009Sun-N-Fun BBQ sign up, Please take the time to RSVP for this event . This will be for your ticket for the cooks to provide you with a great dinner . Plus this event is getting very large and I need an idea on how much food to buy so that we feed everyone and don't run out!

Thanks cdngoose

Sun-N-Fun BBQ History

This whole event started in November 2004 when I turned to David and Jon and said "Since were going to Sun-N-Fun, why don't we have a BBQ for other Zenith builders and flyers? " At that time we expected a turnout of 15-20 people and all we would need to do is pack a couple of small BBQ's. Along came March and I posted the sign up sheet. Not long after, we had 50 pre-registered. Oh crap! We would need more than a couple of small BBQ's. Luckily, along came Rick Roberts with the offer to bring large BBQ's, tables, potato salad, and a couple of fine gentlemen to cook everything for us. After we had a hundred people pre-registered I turned to David and Jon to help out in the climbing costs of the event which was coming out of my pocket. They agreed and registration stayed open for anyone wanting to join. Shortly after, both

Jabiru USA

kindly approached us with donations to the event which GREATLY helped cover the costs of the event. Contributions from appreciative participants helped us to break even. Thanks folks!

With the success of having over 120 people show up during the evening, as well as the Heintz Family, the folks from Jabiru USA, we have decided to make it an Annual event for the Sun-N-Fun Show.

Since then Jabiru USA , William Wynne, Cummins Spinners, Flightcrafters and Quality Sport Planes as well as people through donations have all pitched in to help cover the costs of the event. Last year was the first time that the event did not break even, that was primarily due to not having the donation of time and equiptment of Rick Roberts who was unable to make it due to job requirements. This event was started when I was a builder and is kept as a builders event for builders. Please join in for a great evening and if you can lend a hand it would be well appreciated.

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RSVP for 2009 Annual Sun-N-Fun BBQ !!!!! to add comments!

Join Zenith Aircraft Builders and Flyers

Comment by Don Rhodes on March 29, 2010 at 8:44pm
I will be there with my better half
Thanks William Rhodes
Comment by paul baker on March 25, 2010 at 7:25pm
I will be there with my friend Joe Ham who is building a 601xl. He helped me with
the up grade and I am helping him.
Comment by Rodney Mills on March 25, 2010 at 1:08pm
I'll be attending with a party of 3. This will be our first event.
Comment by Rodney Rix on January 22, 2010 at 4:50am
I will be attending as well as my better half.
Comment by Michael Jones on April 16, 2009 at 6:53pm
I'll be attending with my CH701 building partner, Gene Trotter, and one other guest. Thanks for the invitation.
Comment by Stephen R. Smith on April 16, 2009 at 8:30am
I have previously RSVP. I am bringing my brother David who helped build my 601.

Comment by Davidi Hollander on April 15, 2009 at 7:49am
I'm coming to the event. I'm bringing a friend: Amir Erez/
Comment by Joe Birch on April 10, 2009 at 9:01pm
I (Joe B. Birch) am coming to the bbq and bringing my brother (Dick Birch) and his wife (Debra).
Comment by William Campbell on April 9, 2009 at 8:57am
I am coming to this event, and I need to bring a friend.
I guess you need to know he is coming too so that there will be enough food.
His name is Mark McKissock
Comment by Ralph Gregus on April 3, 2009 at 1:34pm
hey mark,
talked to chris riolo and he tried to get to the rsvp box but couldn't do it.
just count on 3 from my party, ok? thanks.

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