Tuesday Builders Chat 001

Event Details

Tuesday Builders Chat 001

Time: June 21, 2016 from 9pm to 10:30pm
Location: Zenith.aero Chat Main Room
Event Type: online, chat
Organized By: Efe Cem Elci
Latest Activity: Jun 30, 2016

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Event Description

I'm hoping to kick off  the weekly builder chats once again, now that we seem to have an average of 20-25 builders on even during weekdays. So I'm hoping more of you can join us on Tuesday evenings/nights.

Although its not etched in stone, I've set the time to 9 PM EDT (6 PM PST, 8 PM CST) to make it easier for those on the West coast to join in the chat without inconveniencing those on the East coast. Come earlier, come later, there should be builders around to chat.

As always, if builders active on Zenith.aero help spread the word to those who don't frequent the site as often we are sure to have a livelier and more informative weekly chat.

So mark it on your calendars, put reminders in your phones and see you all on Tuesday! 

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Comment by Samuel McNair on June 24, 2016 at 9:24am
I am not sure exactly how this chat thing works. Mirroring the question about a beanie mod on a 701, has anyone done or is contemplating a beanie on an 801? I could use another inch or 2 of headroom, and my rudder effectiveness at high AOA and low AS is not as good as I would like it to be.
Comment by Eric Stacey on June 21, 2016 at 9:36pm

I had this Chat on my calendar and then the afternoon developed complications.  I've built all the airfoils for my 701 and am just getting started on the fuselage.  Using Homebuilt help, plans for advice.  So far everything seems pretty straightforward.  What's the consensus on when this starts to get tricky?  Anybody adding a super-beanie to their 701?  Flown both and know the difference?

Comment by Bert Sparrow on June 21, 2016 at 9:15pm

Not sure if I'm doing this chat thing right, but I have completed my 750 rudder, EL, stab, and almost aft fuselage.  Need advice - what should I get powder coated?  On the homebuilt help video they discuss it a bit, but no real list.  Thoughts?


Comment by Lucien Pelletier on June 21, 2016 at 9:12pm

I am a new builder of a Zenith 701 project wings tail and main fuselage with gear are done. Have just receivedengine and prop , still waiting for fuel pumps and exhaust.

Comment by guy savoie kit on June 21, 2016 at 9:07pm

Hi all.  Am building a 750.  Almost finished. 

Comment by Efe Cem Elci on June 20, 2016 at 7:59pm

Hi Samuel,

These chats are not type specific, there is no set agenda or topics. Basically whoever is on chats with each other and previously topics have ranged from flight characteristics and modifications to aircraft and engine selection. The main point is for those who have more experience to be able to share with those seeking help/answers.

Comment by Richard Simmons on June 20, 2016 at 12:26pm
If I get back from the airport in time I will join in.
Comment by Normand Lambert on June 19, 2016 at 10:59am
I will try to join you guys. CH701sp Slatless, CH701SP under construction and CH750 waiting.
Comment by Samuel McNair on June 15, 2016 at 7:19pm
Will this be every week?
Is it for all Zenith types or just 750's?
Can someone explain how it works? Never done this chat stuff before.
Comment by Efe Cem Elci on June 15, 2016 at 3:11pm

Hi Bert,

There was no option for time zone and I thought I'd mentioned it but looking at the post now I realize I didn't. So added this now:

 9 PM EST (6 PM PST, 8 PM CST)

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