My 701, which I did not build, does not consume fuel from the wing tanks evenly. On a recent cross country, I consumed 5 1/2 gallons from the left tank and ~1 1/2 from the right. Obviously, this concerns me. I do not see any kinks in the line or anything obviously wrong.

Has anyone experienced this. Fixed it? I did not build the plane, but know that the lines from the 2 tanks converge in a sump. The line from the sump goes long the cabin floor on the left side.

Also, I have the constant smell of fuel in the cabin. I have read that this is not uncommon. Some have said that fuel will seep through the rubber hose enough to cause the smell. I do store it in a closed hangar which supposedly increases the smell.

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I have a Ch701, and noticed a small fuel leak, coming from above the fuel inspection drain under the wing. Its above the drain itself, so just wondering where, typically, the leak would be coming from?
I might add, that it's the right wing, not that it really matters, but fuel is slowly coming out of the hole in the wing from which the fuel drain is installed. I suppose I'll have to pull the skin off above and below? Possible sending unit seal?


Does your aircraft leak only after you fly, or all the time? Is there an access panel for the fuel connections?


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