Started on the seats for our Cruzer.  The plans give the bolt size to attach the seat pans to the rails but then say "the nuts are welded to the rails".

Ours don't have anything welded to the rails.

I've found some pictures of the rails with threaded studs pre-attached as well.  I think they are to attach the bottom rails to the aircraft.  Ours do not have those either.

Anybody else have the same issue?

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I haven't gotten this far on my Cruzer, but I recall a recent thread (I can't find it now) where someone had a similar question, and I believe in that thread, the builder said that Roger said that there was a change, and the nuts are easier to reach now, so they don't need to be welded on anymore. Sorry I can't find the other thread to link here for reference to see if it had more detail.

Thanks for the reply.  I searched the forum for something like that and couldn't find anything.  I heard from Zenith.  The rails no longer have nuts welded to them.  They now leave the threaded rod in that they used to remove when the rails were received from the vendor.  Apparently our set had the rods removed but then never had nuts welded in.  Kinda lost in the transition from the old way to the new.  They said mail the rails back and they will weld in nuts for us.


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