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Hi folks, I have been looking for the correct and best solution for aerotowing hook system.
I have a 400 pounds glider and I have seen in the Internet that my CH 701 is able to aerotow it.
I need your help, what hitch device to use, where attach it to (under the main landing gear or in the tail) and any details that you can give me.
Thanks Friends
By the way I don't live in the USA so there are no restrictions in my country to do it.
I would not tow a glider from the main landing gear. While towing, if the glider gets above you, the tow cable will impinge on the elevator and stabilizer and probably lead to a loss of control of your aircraft.
Dear Gary, thank you for your comments, it is absolutely true what you say. So now I will concentrate in looking for the tail system. But still don't know which device to use.
I found this picture where it does appear as possible to install a tail tow hook in a STOL CH 701. the question is Who sells this device?
Hi Lucas, maybe Zenith can give you some insight regarding strengthening of the tail cone or rear fuselage if required. For the actual hook mechanism, a bet any skilled machinist could help design and fabricate a hook. Sound fun! Good Luck!
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