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Working on mounting my horizontal stab on a 750 STOL. Drilling out 75F2-5 Horizontal tail attachment gussets that I had to fabricate as the supplied predrilled ones had the pilot holes in the wrong spots. Long story short, I inadvertently drilled into 75F2-4, the horizontal tail frame in the fuselage right at its bend. I drilled the frame’s rivets out, removed it, and ordered a new one that arrived today. The problem is, I still need to put a rivet in that spot where there’s a hole in the skin. So I cleaned up the hole/gouge in the part leaving space for the tail of a rivet. Should I use the cleaned up part, the new part and leave an empty A-5 size hole in the skin, or the new part and research a way to patch the skin?
The before and after pictures attached should explain better.
Hi Keith,
Without researching the part numbers I assume the miss drilled hole is in your stabs main spar? if this is the case, i would simply leave the hole as it is and put a dummy rivet in your skin. I'm not sure if I am interpreting the error correctly or not. There wont be any structural loss with a hole like this, and a very minor cosmetic blemish with the out of place rivet. At the end of the day 1 out of 100000 rivets out of line isn't a big deal to me. That's just my .02
I would use the new part and fill the hole in the skin with epoxy, I have used adhesive aluminum tape on the inside in the past to mask places where a fitting once was installed, where there is no structural issue.
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