Does anyone have a build log format or example I can use to start my build with? I noticed that licensing inspectors have put a lot of importance on the build log for approval.

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I bought one from Acft Spruce. I include many pics of me doing tasks as I proceed, Tom

Did you include hard copies of the photos? I'm thinking I might just bring in my iPad and refer to my photos section, and then have a spiral notebook or an Aircraft Spruce logbook for dates times and procedures.

I use a spiral notebook.  I log the date, time, and a description of work.  I also use a digital camera (pictures of plane and notebook) that I back-up on the PC and cloud.  It's easy.

Thanks Widd. Appreciate the input, sounds simple enough.
I used this website lots of pics an dates for FAA proof. My inspector was satisfied with it.
Thanks for that!

I noticed that licensing inspectors have put a lot of importance on the build log for approval.

I kept a build log as sold by Aircraft Spruce and puts lots of photos in it, too.  Of course, people are all different, but I was almost disappointed by the lack of interest in the log shown by the DAR during the AW inspection and by the FAA bureaucrat when getting my Repairman's Certificate.

I got the distinct impression that in both cases, just having a log present was good enough so they could check off another box on a form!  The DAR was talking to me and inspecting my plane and I guess he could figure out in 1-2 minutes whether I built it or not.  The FAA flipped the log open and looked at it for all of 5 seconds and then moved on with the paperwork!

But - all that being said - you gotta' have one!  :>)



Thanks John, Widd up above mentioned a spiral notebook and online photos. Is that official enough do you think? Otherwise I'm 10 miles from the west coast Aircraft Spruce warehouse, so I could just run over there.

I have hundreds of pictures already.  I wouldn't print them all, but its a good reference for the future.  I might pick just a few and get the local office supply store to print them into a nice binder or book.

Thanks Widd, appreciate it. Thats a great idea...a nice picture book to display on a coffee table at home. Hmm, now I'm gonna think about that.

I'm not sure about online photos ... maybe someone can comment who has actually had online photos FAA/DAR approved for the AW or Repairman's Certificate.  However, a spiral notebook with some hard copy photos at different build stages (with you in some of the photos) will work for sure!


Have had two 701s A.W. cert solely on the blog posts on this site one FAA one DAR. Only catch is both 701s were plans built so it was very obvious we hit the 51%. I would make a call to your local FSDO an talk with a inspector that dose expermental airworthy certificates an see what he has to say. I've have had positive experiences with my FSDO and the DAR. Get the fed's card or name so you can call him later with other questions or when your ready for a inspect, it can make the process go smoother



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