The front wheel won't turn because there bungee is too tight

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A little more information might be helpful! I'm assuming you mean the nose gear won't turn left and right rather than the nose wheel won't rotate? IF you're still building, have installed the bungee, and try to turn the nose gear while sitting in the aircraft and it's not rolling, it will indeed be very difficult to turn.  That big fat tire has a big contact patch and creates tremendous friction! I had the same impression the first time I tried mine - I thought something was seriously wrong!  However, one quickly learns that once the plane starts rolling, the resistance goes away and the nose gear turns easily with the tire rolling. So "IF" that is the scenario, have someone push the fuselage and get it rolling and see how it goes. Despite complaints by some of stiff and "notchy" nose gear, I built mine strictly per plans and have a delightfully light and smooth rudder - can't feel the bearing notch at all ... and it steers great!

"IF" this is not the case and/or it is still excessively stiff, most report the Viking "steel bungee" is the best thing since sliced bread - only downsides are the expense and a few pounds extra weight.



Hi Frank,

John is RIGHT ! Get the Viking Steel Bungee and get away from those bungee cord once and forever (noesgear at least).

I guarantee you wont regret it ! Now If you want to keep those bungee cord, why put 3 ??? And where ??? One in front is plenty enough. I have a nose heavy 701 and NEVER had a problem with only 1 cord on the nosegear...However trying to turn the nosegear post by hand without having weight on the wheel (motor on enginemount and wheels on the ground) can prove difficult. As John stated, with the plane on the ground and weight in front, everything becomes smooth.

Dont worry.


I have the same problem, can't turn the nose gear using the pedals ((this with the nose off the floor). A crowbar in between the fork can turn it with some effort. Curious to know if this is normal or a problem.

Alas I have no one to push me around the field.


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