Apparently Carb Heat Allowance is required for final inspection on Canadian homebuilt A/C using Rotax engines. C.Heintz put out a Memo some time ago stating carb heat was not required on Rotax due to engine design. Part of which I'm guessing is the exhaust ports right under the Bing carbs. Does anyone in Canada who has gone through A/C final inspection using a  Rotax 912 by MDRA,  have any insights or suggestions on the latter.




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Hi Perry,

If no one responds with concrete advice, the guys at Skytek in Vernon would probably have experience with the inspections, as they are a Zenith build assist center and they install the 912 engines. I've heard good things about them, so it wouldn't hurt to call and ask for their advice. 

I've also found the guys at Rotech (the Rotax dealer in Vernon) to be really helpful even when I wasn't buying stuff from them, so I wouldn't hesitate to call and ask them too.

When I was at the 912 maintenance course, one of the guys in the course said he installed electric carb heat on his 912 and installing it was easy and relatively cheap (I think two or three hundred dollars) - he had experienced carb ice, but there's no cowling around his engine.

My 701 (Canadian Amateur Built) was inspected and approved without carb heat with a 912 ULS, so it can be done (or at least it could be done in 2008), but I wasn't the builder and I don't have any info about the process.


Hi Matt,

Thanks for the insights. Rotech is where I picked up the engine, new 3 years ago. great guys. They gave us a tour of the shop and the 750 STOL they built. I had not heard of Skytek. I will check with Rotech and or Skytek if I don’t hear anything else from this site. 

Just trying to avoid adding complexity and dollars to system if it is not necessary. I have a good relationship with MDRA rep so If all else fails can ask him as well.



I did. I had the letter Chris Heintz wrote and the statement in the CAR (...unless it is shown to be unnecessary by actual test) but the MDRA inspector  obviously never heard of it and decided to be picky. He asked for a letter from Zenair that was specific to my aircraft serial number instead of the one about the aircraft type. Once I had that it was accepted without any more problem. 



Here is the original letter. The second one was specific to my aircraft.




Thanks Francois.


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