Partial Cruzer project for sale.  Includes all component kits aft of the firewall except the wing/flaperons kit ($8950) and fuel system kit ($1495) available from Zenith. Project also includes the finishing kit ($6950) and bubble doors and adjustable seat options.  Fuselage is at about the "quick build" stage on gear with most of the control system installed. The tail group is built with the the exception of the elevator.  Includes all the hardware, parts and plans as provided by Zenith.  Also includes celcos, rivet guns, misc tools, plans and the Homebuilt Help videos for the Cruzer.  Basically, I have receipts for over $17K (at 2016 prices over $20k at 2021 prices) for what I'm offering for $10,000.  Firewall forward is your choice.   I have additional photos on request.  My reason for selling is I recently purchased an almost complete STOL 750 that I'm in the process of completing.  I don't need two very similar aircraft.  Project is located in my hangar in the OKC area.  If you have additional questions don't hesitate to ask. 

Stephen "Eric" Muehlberg

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Is this still available?

Mr. Keller called me about an hour ago.  The project is in a "Sale Pending " status at this time.  If the status changes I will post the change in status.  Thanks, Eric 


It's more useful to go back to your original ad and edit the title by adding "Sale Pending" rather than update in the comments.  Might not happen in your case, but you'd be surprised how many people fail to read the discussion replies and  will make inquiries if a project is still available!  If it sells, go back again and edit title to add "SOLD," (same reasoning). prefers to sellers to mark titles "SOLD" rather than delete them as this provides at least ball-park estimates for others when pricing their items.

Thanks for letting me use this as a "teaching moment" for future sellers!  Good luck with your sale!

John Forum Moderator

Is this the one that I saw on gear in your hanger?   BTW, I bought a 601 xlb with an O-200 not long after we talked.  I’ll have to fly it down to your strip and show it to you.  Good luck with your sale, it’s going to be a nice airplane.


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