Did some more checking on plugs. 

In the WW 2014 Corvair conversion manual ( i  don't have the new MOP) It lists the DENSO IWF16.  ( which it claims has 700 hrs of testing)   Since the videos WW produces don't allow comments or questions, which is ODD if your trying to educate, I pose the question. What testing has been done, to recommend the IWF22? Why not the IWF20? Why jump two temps cooler?  

Follow up question . Why is the NEW limit 28 degrees? What testing brought this to be the standard?  30 to 32 was around in his books a long time.  It would be nice if WW would explain his reasoning . 

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check the corvair forum section, I have not been following the changes closely but there is a discussion there about plug gap that gives some clarity/confusion.

Thanks , I did , but i felt this was a new question direction and didn't want to hijack his post.

I think all the changes are to increase detonation resistance. 

He did say the power decrease from the timing was pretty low

I know he came to my hangar to check everything over and set the timing. My static was slightly lower

Dont you have a  clapp engine?

Either way i cannot reccomend the mop manual enough


 Here are two contradicting statements. 




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