Our Hangar mates are finishing a 650 with a William Wynne Corvair installation.

The electric fuel pumps are putting out 4.5 psi. The carb floods at this pressure.

The needle and seat have been inspected and appear fine.

What is the best solution?

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You say pumps, plural. Are you running both electric pumps together or only one at a time? In other words, are you getting that pressure (and the carb flooding) with both pumps on or only one pump on? If it is for only one pump, does it do the same thing with either pump or only one of them does it? For William's installation, he says run only one pump at at time. The second pump is there only to back up the first one, do not run them together.

Final question, what carb? Some models of carb can handle a lot more fuel line pressure than others. There are even differences of acceptable fuel pressure among different variants of the same basic model carb.

Another final question, what model of electric pump? Some put out more pressure than others, and William specs out the pump he calls for based partly on its output pressure, as well as its flow rate capacity.
They are using only one pump at a time. The pumps are the ones reccommended, I do not have the model numbers. The Carb was supplied with the complete engine package from William.
I do not believe that William normally supplies carbs. He recommends a carb overhauler and he recommends a particular group of carbs, but I do not think he provides the carbs. I could be wrong.

My guess, and it is purely a guess, would be that the carb that is being used is intended for a gravity feed situation, and the pressure of the electric pumps is overpowering the needle valve in the carb float area. Try feeding the engine/carb with a temporary gravity feed arrangement (a container of fuel suspended a foot or so higher than the engine with a temporary fuel line from the jug to the carb fuel inlet) and see if things work better. If so, you have a gravity feed carb, not one that can handle pump pressure. I repeat, this is a guess, made on insufficient information, but it would be a fairly easy test to try.

If the carb floods even on gravity pressure, you have carb trouble of some kind (bad needle or seat, sunken or out of adjustment float, grit in the needle valve seat, something like that.) One time, while chasing a flooding carb, the problem turned out to be a minute crack in the casting that allowed a steady drip of fuel from the bowl into the carb barrel. Ya never know what you might find........
Have you tried a fuel pressure regulator placed betwen the carb and the fuel pump? Holley makes one that can bring fuel pressure as low as 1lb psi.
Tried a known functioning O-200A Cessna 150 carburetor.
It did not leak. They disassembled the flooding carburetor.
Found the float wire was not bent correctly which allowed the float to not fully set
in the seat tested and to not flood. Thanks for the help
It came with the Firewall Forward WW engine package purchase thru Fly with Gus .
It was for our hangar mates CH 650 Power plant. I am using a O200A Continental.


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