Let me start a fired up topic. Has anyone considered the WW Corvair 100HP for the 701? I know he did one prototype, but the 750 has taken over. But curious about the combo on 701? I know all the weight logic.

Thanks all

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Thanks Larry, I think I will get a hold of Ray for a mount also! If you'd like to talk further without going through this site here is my email...




I recall William Wynne saying in a posting a year or so ago that he does not actively market the Corvair/701 package but that he can still provide everything if someone wants it. He still has the specs and tooling to make the engine mount and the few other bits that are 701 specific. Everything else is common to the 601/650/750 packages and readily available. I would not be too quick to dismiss the idea of working with William for your firewall forward........He may be a bit of a "character" and may not be the most tactful person in the world but he knows his subject intimately and has decades of development behind him. His stuff is very mature and very reliable. I will take that over a smooth talker who has just come up with a new and better Corvair any day. A lot of folks have been burned by going to other vendors or shops for their Corvair conversion stuff. Ya'll be careful out there. Bargain engines are generally not bargains and your fanny is gonna be up there in the air trusting that engine.

THanks Bob, I actually completely agree with you. I have watched the Corvair movement with WW, Langford and all since about 2001.  It was close to the time I started building my RV9. I have all of WW's manual's conversion and flight and DVD's. I am close to 100% committed to following his conversion path.  I can build things with blueprints and instructions, but am not an aircraft designer! I suppose I read the books, but mainly to understand how things work and the best way to keep them working. Not going to reinvent anything at 63.  The biggest change I probably made to any plans was to build create a fiberglass canopy skirt for my RV instead of trying to shape the dog house on the rear of the slider.

Williams philosipies are probably alot as mine, I've just found it easier to not engage people with them.

I so appreciate your reply!



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