Has anyone installed a D-Motor in a 701?  My 701 is currently flying with a Jab 2200 and I was looking to add a bit more power at a lower RPM.  I am especially interested in the performance of a 701 with a D-Motor.

Thanks,  Bill Barton

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I was wondering myself when the D motor was introduced, price and power competitive with Rotax with less complexity and maintenance.  But can any direct drive perform on par with a gear reduction engine for a STOL?  Can any air cooled engine hang with a liquid cooled engine on a low and slow hot summer day?  I hope someone that is flying one responds.

The D-Motor is liquid cooled, cylinders as well as the heads.  It also has EFI.

Thanks for clarifying. I wonder what it weighs in a 701 configuration as compared to a Rotax 912?

The claim is that the D-Motor weighs 125# ready to fly.  It is both lighter and smaller than a Jab 2200.  My 701 with the Jab has an empty weight of 603#.  As I recall the Rotax 912 is 30# heavier.

I love the Rotax and it would be my choice for a fresh build, but the D-Motor is a much easier install since I already have a plane that is flying with the Jab.


Saw this post, so I know you have ventured here. Their rep. said it would turn a 72 in prop. Will wait to see if someone else does it. Charlie

There is on D-motor in a Savannah on youtube... He has his first run up and his first flight on it posted. The performance doesnt seem all to bad. There just is so little information out there as in reliability etc. They dont seem to be in many many planes....  I also was looking around at different engines but at the end of the day, I got myself a rotax 912 UL and so far i am very happy with it. Sure they may be a little more money, but they have a track record behind them, and if you care for them rarely do they have issues. You can even get secondhand ones for a pretty good price.

I saw the Savannah video.  Since the motor has been around for a few years, I'm a bit surprised by the lack of information.

No doubt the 912 UL turning a large diameter prop is a great engine choice.  When I had my trike it was powered by the 80hp 912 and there was never a problem with the engine.  On a trip to Colorado the trike managed to climb to 14K feet with two people on board.

Regards,  Bill

D-Motor LF26 - 90 HP
The weight of the LF26 is 124 lbs plus engine mount, battery, propeller and spinner.
D-Motor website says 63 kg with fluids = 138 LBS.

For HALF the price Viking is now offering a 90HP Mitsubishi conversion.   See it flying a SP-30 (701 Clone) here....


The D-Motor is selling in modest quantities in Europe where the big 6 cylinder model is more popular.   The current LF26 is 4th generation.    Great Engine.   Big $$$.

Did you purchase a Viking 90hp Engine? Do you actually have any experience with one? Do you have any first hand knowledge of any aspect of this or just repeating internet rumors? 

I am by no means a defender of Vikings business, but I want to make sure we are fact base. It does a disservice to this community if it just becomes an echo chamber with no further value added. Try to imaging what it is like for someone trying to get real information and just getting comments like this.

I own a Viking 130 purchased from the original owner. The reality is I don't have any first hand experience flying it yet, but when I do I will report on it. I do have first hand experience with the workmanship and customer service.

The workmanship on the engine I received was excellent. The firewall forward kit was well designed and I had virtually everything I need for the install, and there were lots of videos on line. For an experimental self install this was very reassuring. I would not have felt confident about installing an engine myself until watching the videos.

The engine mount was well made and fit with only minor help from a come-along strap. I mounted the engine by myself with just a hoist and hand tools.


I have seen than Jan and his staff don't provide the same sort of bedside manner we have come to expect from say Zenith Aircraft, but a good part of that may be dealing with the unsubstantiated rumors and accusations people repeat without first hand information. I can say he has always been good at answering technical questions when I have called. He does not have time for the type long conversations I have with Roger, but they guy does need to build engines too, so I understand that he does dot have the luxury of doing both full time.

I can say firsthand that what they offer for free to first owners, they won't offer to second owners. I think this devalue their brand doing this, but it is their choice. They also told me they would not ship me any parts until I updated the ECU and they were very sketching about why I had to. The lack of transparency does bother me, and it helps to contribute to the unease of buying such a big item from a small company, but it DOES NOT justify the baseless accusations that somehow a used engine is bad, or that there is anything wrong with the engineering.

These statements are based on my actual real-word interaction and while colored with my opinion represent first had experience, both negative and positive.

Charles, what you wrote was what they call in the PR industry FUD. Fear, uncertainly and doubt. This is not fact base. I have no problem with people sharing the facts of a bad customer service experience, or a problem with hardware installation or failure. But sharing negative opinions without fact is slander, and has not part in this community.

I know I don't like vendors jumping in an marketing there wares one this site, or getting into arguments with people posting negative items about them. That means we must police ourselves to make sure we are fact based and don't just post inflammatory items aimed at these vendors unchallenged.

I have no problem with John deleting both of our post, because neither are responsive to the thread on the D-Motor, but yours should not stand without this response.

While I am not one to argue. My information comes directly from a Mitsubishi dealership mechanic, and parts guy. Disturbing is the fact that when I approached Jan, giving him the benefit of a doubt, brought up the bearing issue, his response was not denial, but that one could" just buy another $500 junk yard motor and replace it". I know an unbiased opinion about the 90 h.p. motor would be nice if there was truly a valid reason for it. My concern is for those considering that engine to be aware. Not done in anger, just a voice of warning, and concern. 

Do you think you could have provided useful information in a more constructive way in your original post instead of just FUD? You expanded response still is no justification for your original comments.


I'd like to take this as yet another opportunity for a "teaching moment:"

First, be assured that my comments are not directed at any specific member or their posts!

Second, this would be an excellent excuse for all members to go back and review the Member Rules.

Third, please keep all comments factually based - we don't allow "flaming" or casting aspersions on each other.

Fourth, be polite and considerate of other members.

Fifth, when you write a post, take a long, deep breath, sit back, re-read it, and think about it before you hit that "Add Reply" button! ... I do!  ;>)

Thanks to everyone for participating in these forums!


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