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A question for you CH 750 scratch builders. I am building a kit but I need to fabricate an elevator nose rib to replace one I damaged. In determining the tip radius, do I use the tooling hole 8mm above the 94mm mark on the X axis as the point of origin? Using the left elevator nose rib as an example, my 24mm radius intersects Yu at 32mm, but intersects Yi at 12mm. According to the chart, Yi extends 18.9mm from the CL at 105mm, a difference of nearly 7mm. Am I looking at this correctly or should I be concerned about the radius end point on the Yi axis? Would appreciate some feedback, especially if I am making this more complicated than it really is.
Hi David, I've been studying my form block based on your measurements. My radius intersects the same Yu and Yl +/- a mm or two. If I recall correctly, I interpolated a tangent line between the 105mm Yl and the radius to make up the 7mm gap. Just be sure to make a smooth transition to the radius. Hope this helps!
Thanks, Clint. That was my interpretation as well. I worked some on the form block yesterday and it came pretty close. Will try again next weekend with something harder than MDF to form the actual rib. Thanks for responding to my query!
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