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Do you still have the rx6 cowl for sale?

Dave New

Yes, the cowl is still in the box.

 If you are interested drop me a note and let me know where you are. If you need any additional info I will try to do my best to get it to you.

Is the cowl a genuine RV6 cowl or a copy? The RV cowls I have seen do not have gel coat, you can see the honry comb in the glass. Was it supposed to fit the firewall of your Zenith. Could you give me the measuments across the back and the up and down measurment. Also the measurement of the area for the spinner. I am putting a lycoming 0235 on a Zodiac CH 601 HDS and like the looks of the RV cowl.

I live in Scottsbluff Nebraska

Thanks Dave New


Dave, send me your regular e-mail address and I will send you photos w/measurements, I just took some today.


My e-mail is


Dave New

hi phillip what engine is that cowl for? how much does it weight   thanx  joe
Joe. the cowl is very light not more than 6-10# I think I didn;t weigh it. If you wan some photos with measurements send me a regular e-mail and I will return it with photos. This site can;t handle all the photos.

For anyone who might be interested in this cowl the dimensions are:

Overall length nose to firewall = 24" Overall width = 36" oveerall height at firewall = 30 1/2"  air inlet opening = 61/2 " wide

oil cooler openning = 8"w x 3' h x 7" l  Spinner opening = 12"


Available is also a fiberglass spinner 12" diameter along with 2- fiberglass backing plates and an aluminum crush plate. I have also posted a seperate ad for this as well.

All items were supplied by Jabiru USA along with the purchase of my engine, this cown however is to small for the 8 cylinder engine.

Hello Philip, I wanted a cowling for my 701, jab 2200 engine, will this cowl fit in?? If not,,,, u wrote that u made ur own cowl, how did u manage that?? Can u please give me an Idea. Thanks..

Dear AJ,  Since the 701 is smaller than the 801 and the 2200 is much smaller than the 5100 the probability goes way up.  So that you can do some measurements of your setup here are the written dimensions of the cowl.

Overall length = 24"  Overall width = 36" height at the firewall top to bottom = 30 1/2"  Spinner area 12"

Air oppenings 6 1/2" wide  Oil cooler openings are 8" overall wide 3" high 7" deep.

The reason we had to make our own cowl was due to the size of the 5100 engine, 8 cylinders take up a lot of space and there were no commercial cowls available. To make the cowl was a lot of work as we first had to make what is known as a "plug" which is the shape of the cowl exactly, then over that we had to wax and spray a release agent over the plug, then lay up a fiberglass female mold that would conform to the plug exactly, Then we had to remove the female mold and the plug, From the female mold which was waxed and then sprayed with a release agent again it was nesessary to spray a gel coat finish, then lay up the fiberlass for each half of the mold, when that ws completes the parts were removed from the female mold and put together with trimming as necessaary, then it needed to be marked and the holes cut for the required openings in their exact location and the two halves fit to the fuselage, finally the fasteners had to be installed in the cowl and the firewall to attach it to the airframe. As you can see a lot of work so if  you can make an existing cowl work you will save yourself a lot of time and work,

My apologies for being so slow in replying to your request for information, since I donated my airplane to the Wisconsin Aviation Academy I have not checked my mail as often as I should.. The markings on the cowl are as I recieved it from Pete krotje of Jabiru USA when I purchased the engine it was a part of the supposed firewall fwd kit, however it was no where close to fitting the 801. I had to make my own cowl and the story that goes with that is extensive so I will not bore you with the details lets just say it was 14 months of pure frustration. This particular cowl has only been out of the box to show folks what it looks like. It says RV-6 when I got it and it still says RV-6 can't tell you if that is right or wrong. I hope this answers you question.


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