I would like to know if most builders are running the 750 fuel hoses inside the channels as called for in the plans or are they keeping them outside for easy servicing?  I also don't see how you can run them under the seat base and have enough room?  I looks like you could route them along the pilot side part of the way back and then have to make a loop to go up and over the gear channel and then back?

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My comment about not liking the idea of the exposed gascolator was referring to the factory location. Yours is no problem, mine's in the same spot. 

I don't think the 120 micron screen in the gascolator has anything to do with seperating water from fuel. That should happen with the water settling to the bottom of the bowl and the fuel flows through the outlet which is mounted higher in the gascolator bowl, similar to how a grease trap works. I may be wrong on this, maybe someone else can confirm or reject the concept. 

The way I see it is like this: Lets say you had not flown in a few weeks and happen to have water in your fuel tanks. The water, being heavier than fuel, is going to settle in the lines between the baggage floor bottom and where your lines turn up towards your fuel selector. You start the engine, the water moves forward. Is the gascolator going to get it out? Only if the amount of water is less than the capacity of the bowl. That is why I see a need for another fuel drain somewhere in that lowest area where water can settle. 

John, I saw this old posting of yours. My gascolator is mounted exactly like yours. Are you happy with the clearance between it and the exhaust stack ?  I have about 3.5 inches of clearance.  Matt Miller


What did you end up doing with your gascolator?  I ordered mine from Andair this morning and then talked with Caleb, who said I needed to put the gascolator where it showed on the Zenith drawings!@#$%  I can see the low point issue, but that system makes it impossible to use a left, right, both, off valve and I think that is the way I'd like to go?  I could buy another gascolator and use two, but the darn things aren't cheap!  


Hi John. I purchased the firewall bulkhead mount for the gascolator and I am wondering how you routed your line on the output side? I would like to get fuel line back to the firewall for my facet fuel pump to mount. Like you, I'm using the flex seal lines and fittings. Do you think a 180 fitting back to firewall and a 90 fitting to go up would work?

I think that would work.  Is it too heavy to just mount directly to the gascolator rather than having to route a line back to the firewall? It probably could be stabilized with a standoff from an engine mount tube if necessary.


hmm...that might work. Thanks!


I'm having issues with Aircraft Spruce and they say they don't have any stainless fittings to go through the firewall?  Where did you get the one pictured above?



Look on this page at Spruce!



Thanks so much for the quick reply.  I don't know why the Spruce people had such trouble?  I'm installing cables now and having fits with Nicopress sleeves!


How did you exit the tunnel in the front to get out of the tunnel and into the console. It looks tight at the front of the tunnel.
Gary Burdett


I put grommeted holes in the extreme left and right lower corners of the support at the front of the tunnel and went straight-through with the fuel lines. I've got 2 more grommeted holes above that on each side for brake lines and wiring - didn't seem any more difficult or "tight" to me than many other things we do building - pretty straightforward installation ... pun intended! LOL!


Thanks John,
Going back to look at the pictures in the thread, I see much better how the lines fit. I haven't researched gasolators but I think jimmy has a point about the low point in the system. I have been cogitating over the sump,issue for awhile and I thing some method of sumping the lowest part of the line after it leaves the tank is prudent as any water intrusion is likely to come from the tank and it will settle in the first "valley" after leaving the tank. The gasolator on the firewall is really a good fit and I see it as a filter and a secondary water trap immediately before the carb. The andair selector essentially make two low points if the lines over the gear channel are relatively level before turning up to the selector.


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