I'm installing the (15 gal) fuel tank in the wing of my 601XL QB kit. The fuel level sender is located on top of the tank. An aluminum cover plate fits on the skin over the top of the sender. The cover has a piece of plastic glued to the underside to insulate the sender connector. My problem is that the sender sits about 1/8" too high and the cover won't fit properly. My tank is positioned ok vertically as observed by the fuel drain welded on reinforcement protruding almost fully through the skin on the bottom and the outlet is aligned with the hole in the rib.

Is this a normal condition? What do other builders do to correct it? Depress, or bend in, the top of the tank where the sender is? I'm about to begin making another cover from fiberglass or CF with a small bump in it to give clearance for the sender top, but thought I'd check here first for possible other solutions.

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Thanks. That is the fix I was thinking of. Nice to know I'm not out in the weeds by myself. I have seen a few 601XLs with the flat aluminum cover and wondered how they did it. I think I now know, but could be a different sender than the high tech VW Beetle I have.
Another idea is to use hubcaps from one of the wheel manufacturers. They are normally domed as is Steves
I think the curvature of the wing would not let the hubcap lay flat enough to look decent. I've begun to make a female mold for a cover layup.
Yeah a nice spinner hubcap should do the trick. Thanks for your mold offer. I have a clay male mock up done. A bit more finish work tomorrow and I can pull a female mold from it. Here is a pic when I started to shape the clay.


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