Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
As an active forum participant, Sebastien has asked me to serve as a volunteer forum moderator. I have found Zenith builders to be a positive and helpful group and have made many new friends through this site. This is definitely an "on the job training" experience for me so please bear with me. At the moment, it appears I have the ability to feature discussions (i.e., a "sticky") in the Open Forum, but not in specific model forums. Hopefully, this can be expanded to all forums. For the moment, however, I would suggest that if you find a specific model topic particularly useful and feel it should be featured or made a "sticky,", let me know and I will link it from the Open Featured Discussions.
I encourage everyone to read the 'MEMBER RULES" under the "INFO & FAQ" tab at the top of this page. In the unlikely event a problem should arise with either the topic or content of a forum post, please send me a message and I'll try to help.
As a STOL CH750 builder, my primary interest has been in the STOL CH750 forum and the OPEN forum. If you have experience with one or more other models of Zenith aircraft and would like to moderate a specific model forum, please contact Sebastien at Zenith Aircraft.
I am deeply indebted to Zenith Aircraft for enabling one of the most fulfilling experiences in my life. I also appreciate the many new friends I've made and look forward to meeting more of you!
congrats.... and may it all be blue skies and tail winds ....
Nice one John! I'll try not to make your job difficult.... well, not TOO difficult :)
John, welcome!
We look forward to having you help the Zenith.Aero website continue to serve Zenith builders, owners and pilots!
Thanks for your help!
Nice to have a name to go with a moderator. Lots of encouragement to you for helping us all have a helpful and informative source of info for our building as well as a source of meeting other builders.
I would encourage you to allow an open and honest discourse on this site.
At the same time there has been some recent activity that became somewhat personal and argumentative in nature.I have not seen that discussion on the site any longer and assumed it was removed. I am in total agreement with a decision to not let those style of argumentive back and forths occur on this site.
I feel the ability to discuss building issues and shortcomings can be helpful as it can alert other builders to possible problems in their project, but this needs to be done in a factual manner without attacks on anyone personally.
I have found Zenith Aircraft Builders and Flyers to be invaluable to me in so many ways and I hope you can continue to guide this site to be the builder friendly haven it can be.
Thanks for the kind comments! I got "volunteered" into this job because I felt there was a need for some small enhancements of the site. Sebastien wants this forum to be rather independent ... a site for builders and moderated by builders. I think this demonstrates the confidence Zenith Aircraft has in the quality and support of their airplanes! I can not improve on Jerold's comments as to the philosophy of this forum! Again, if anyone wants to moderate a model-specific forum, contact Sebastien.
At the moment, it appears I can only "feature" (stickies) on the Open Forum. Therefore, you will be seeing model-specific information in this forum as that's the only place I where I can feature it. If you find a topic in your model-specific forum that really needs to be featured, let me know.
So, here we go - my first featured topic is on the "HomeBuiltHelp DVD's" - hopefully this will help prevent needless mistakes.
I proposed a moderated forum last October
I would prefer if ZAC would moderate the open forum. I am sure Caleb would have plenty of material to share from the bilateral support he provides. Also, after the Zenair News went awy, last summer, I was hoping ZAC would come up with a better communication strategy to connect with the builder community with updates and other engeneering topics.
No offense John, I like to read your blogs, but I still miss the input from the manufacturer. My 2c for what its worth. Peter
The site, powered by Ning software, was set-up with inconsistent editing features from forum to forum. In the "Open" forum, I can "Feature" discussions (i.e., make them a "sticky" at the top of the page), but not in the type-specific forums. I've contacted Zenith to see if this can be changed.
In the interim, I've thought a bit more about how to feature topics from the model-specific forums through the Open forum and avoid clutter. So, I'm going to feature a new topic that lists recommended model specific topics within it. (I'll put the HomeBuiltHelp DVD topic under a "STOL CH750" sub-category.) I think when you see the new featuerd post, it'll all be self-explanatory.
Hopefully, most builders will consult the Open forum from time-to-time and see the Featured topics pertinent to their model.
Hi John.
Congrats on the promotion! I have never read any of the rules and I don't intend to, like you said we are a good bunch who just want to help. We are not builders of plastic fantastic airplanes, just good honest ones!
PS I like your number!
Classified listing for buying or selling your Zenith building or flying related stuff...
Custom Instrument Panels
for your Zenith:
Custom instrument panels are now available directly from Zenith Aircraft Company exclusively for Zenith builders and owners. Pre-cut panel, Dynon and Garmin avionics, and more.
Zenith Homecoming Tee:
Flying On Your Own Wings:
A Complete Guide to Understanding Light Airplane Design, by Chris Heintz
Transition training:
Aircraft Spruce & Specialty for all your building and pilot supplies!
How to videos from
Developed specifically for Zenith builders (by a builder) these videos on DVD are a great help in building your own kit plane by providing practical hands-on construction information. Visit for the latest DVD titles.
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Exlusive online community for active builders and pilots of Zenith Aircraft kits (Chris Heintz / Zenair light airplane designs).