Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
"Kleen-Strip Aircraft Paint Remover" takes just about any type of paint off and is obviously intended for use on aluminum. Most auto body shop paint supply houses stock it. Toxic stuff - wear gloves and a respirator and have good ventilation! Put lots of plastic sheet down so you can just roll it up and throw the mess away after you're through! Lacquer thinner is always worth a try, too.
I had rattle can self etching primer on the end ribs of the h. stab and elevator that I removed with acetone. A little scrubbing and it came right off. It had been on for 2 or 3 years before I removed it and started polishing.
Classified listing for buying or selling your Zenith building or flying related stuff...
Custom Instrument Panels
for your Zenith:
Custom instrument panels are now available directly from Zenith Aircraft Company exclusively for Zenith builders and owners. Pre-cut panel, Dynon and Garmin avionics, and more.
Zenith Homecoming Tee:
Flying On Your Own Wings:
A Complete Guide to Understanding Light Airplane Design, by Chris Heintz
Transition training:
Aircraft Spruce & Specialty for all your building and pilot supplies!
How to videos from
Developed specifically for Zenith builders (by a builder) these videos on DVD are a great help in building your own kit plane by providing practical hands-on construction information. Visit for the latest DVD titles.
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Exlusive online community for active builders and pilots of Zenith Aircraft kits (Chris Heintz / Zenair light airplane designs).