I use my I Pad for navigation, attached to my leg using a Sporty's I Pad holder. I have been struggling with I Pad glare (CH750) so after some experimentation, I found a 30 - 40 degree angle eliminates the glare. Made a simple folding arm to tilt the I Pad on my leg. It folds out of the way to use it flat in other airplanes. I actually like it for flight planning on my desk too. Good way to use up a few of those left over parts.


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Nice work! Nothing like having an aviation-grade tablet stand! However, you should put castellated nuts and cotter pins where it rotates! Just kidding!   ;>)

I used to use a tablet and found the "DayVue" anti-glare screen protector by NuShield seemed to work best - not a cure-all, but better than nothing! I finally gave up on tablets and got an iFly 720 which supposedly has an effective screen brightness approximately three times greater than an iPad. I use the recommended "HD Body Guardz" screen protector with it and have found it viewable in all lighting conditions, especially with the last update of the 720's program that had numerous improvements to help legibility. This lets me mount it on a RAM mount on the panel and not have to constantly adjust it for lighting/glare conditions.




I'm a little short on exposed threads, on the elastic nuts to be "legal". But it was what I had in the nut and bolt bin!!

I can adjust the tension, using the elastic nuts to obtain the correct amount of drag. Simple stuff but fun to do. Just trying to stave off builder's withdraw.

I finally gave up on the ipad in the cockpit (not flying a zenith yet, flying a Varga 2180).  I've tried every glare shield out there including the one in the link above w/o much luck.  Finally bit the bullet and bought a Nexus 7.  Huge difference, the screen is amazingly brighter than an ipad.

I agree - it always amuses me about the iPad. When popular aviation apps became available for it a few years ago, you'd think it was some revolutionary new idea! I had been flying with PC-based tablets for years before the iPad came into the cockpit and ran Control Visions's AnyWhereMap with great success. I eventually gravitated to a Toshiba Excite 7.7 Android tablet due to it's light weight and so thin a cell phone holder on a RAM mount easily held it. With hundreds and hundreds of hours with several different tablets, I never had a heat-related shut-down while the same can not be said for the iPad, which was never designed for the experimental airplane environment. I "think" perhaps it does well with the jet-set crowd who are in climate-controlled cabins and have tiny windows (relative to the 750!) so that heat is not so much a problem. Also, glare is not such a problem in the relatively subdued lighting of most jet cockpits.

Alas, Control Vision seems to have defacto orphaned AnyWhereMap - I noticed they weren't at AirVenture this year and undoubtedly have the poorest customer support in the universe (if they even support it now?). Even with glare-reducing shields the last tablet still wasn't optimal, so I jumped to the iFly 720 which was, of course, designed from the start as an aviation-dedicated unit with a much brighter screen. However, I still use a glare-reducing screen protector on it since the 750's cabin is so bright, and I also installed a tinted window film in the 750's overhead window to further reduce overhead glare and reflections. I also bought about a half-dozen navy blue pocketed T-shirts to use as my "summer flying shirts." Wearing dark fabric further reduces reflections..



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