Reading a post in the 601 forum, it refers to fitting an insulating washer under the ignition coils to reduce heat transfer.  It seems to be specific to the Glossy Black coils of earlier engines but I wonder if it is also recommended for the matt black ones of later production?  The document I refer to is:

Jabiru Engine Service Bulletin
Subject: Ignition Coils
Applicable: Jabiru 2200 S/No. 22A1292 to 22A1528
Jabiru 3300 S/No. 22A0360 to 22A0536
Compliance: Before Next Flight

Date: 3rd September 2003 Ref: UKJSB004

Revision: 2 Dated 9th September 2003


Ignition Coils - Glossy Black Coils marked "LEADING GX"

We have been monitoring a problem with ignition coils fitted to recent Jabiru engines, we have seen tell tail signs of break down leading to either a misfire, failure or call to ourselves for advice. The tell tale signs are: hard to start, ignition noise on RT, missing at high load typically in the climb or eventually complete failure at Mag Check.

The original GREY coils P/N P10522N have never given problems with over 600 coils in service in the UK and only 1-2 failures since 1996.

Our supplier stopped producing this coil and Jabiru sourced another coil P/N P10523N, it can be identified by a gloss black casing and text "LEADING GC'. Some of these coils have been breaking down on high usage aircraft, as well as a couple of moderate usage.

The engines fitted with these coils are:

22A1292 to 22A1528

33A0360 to 33A0536

Grey coils are considered good.

Matt Black coils P/N P10524N with a rectangular projection on the side and marked TEK (looks like TEC) JAPAN FL833 are considered good.
All new engines from S/N 1529 (2200) and 537 (3300) use TEK coils.

Recommended Action

If your engine is within this serial number range or you have a glossy black coil fitted :

  1. Do not fly until replacement coils have been supplied by Jabiru.
  2. Strongly recommend that all cowled installations supply cooling air to the coils
  3. Fit insulating washers P/N PH4A004 under coils to prevent heat transfer

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the fibre washers were fitted at factory after 2003. 

the coils have changed a couple more times since the article, I beleive the cooling tube recommendation is still current

it was really invented to fix the faulty brand coils

I need to also comment on this - there are some folks using the cheaper Honda lawn-mower coils, which have the same bolt hole spacing and plate curvatureas the official Jabiru coils. I went to Jabiru USA in Shelbyville TN to watch the NTSB un-crate Bill Lanman's 3300, from his 601xlB.

The day before Bill's fatal accident he installed one official coil and one mower coil. The NTSB runup test found the cause of his engine out - the mower coil failed completely (2.5 hours total time) and he unknowingly cracked the distributor cap HT tower on the good coil side. The cracked cap worked OK until the crack propagated all the way around the base of the center wire receptacle.

If any of you Jabiru guys are using the mower coils, be advised. Bill had the cooling tubes correctly done, the insulating washers were there, and it "worked" for almost 3 hours... from Louisville to Kenosha WI. I believe when he landed in Valpariso to re-fuel, hot day, heat-soaked under cowl, etc. Things went south just 40 minutes after that.

RIP, Bill Lanman.


Thanks for sharing.  You should also post this info to the thread on the 601/650 forum where they are discussing the accident.  It is certainly a good warning for all of us.  When it comes to aircraft, you want only the best, most proven parts installed.  Saving a few bucks can cost you your life. In addition to the coil issues, I've also heard of builders having problems with off-brand distributor caps cracking... another thing to be wary of.


Thanks, Tim. Have done that, including all of the details as found out... I just want to make sure all interested parties know what NOT to do with a Jabiru, regardless of airframe. Be safe and have fun, y'all!!
Advise to call Pete and confirm what you need. Don't be stupid and take short cuts and wreck because someone "suggested" you could
Do without.

Hey folks,

I spoke with the fine people in Shelbyville, TN, Nick at Arion Aircraft, about the magnetos. He mentioned they think the Honda mags are likely better than the Jabiru mags made in China. He also said reading the resistances can be tricky and are probably ok if they're near the specification range and especially not ground. I have the Honda mags and decided to stay with them since I only needed to replace the modified piggyback connector that cracked (which in my case slips onto the mag's tab) and I think was the cause of my mag not firing and misfiring intermittently recently.

If I had Jabiru mags I would also comply with the above SB. I hope this information helps us.

Blue skies and God bless,


The plane ran good today. Regarding the Honda mag discussion, I wanted to add I don't know if Honda has improved its mag / coils over the years.



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