The first several years of my Jabiru engine's life was entirely leak free.  For the last 5 or so years, I get some oil seepage that coats the bottom cowl which leads to oil drops on the floor.  It is not enough to make me have an oil consumption problem, but more of a nuisance to keeping things clean.   I talked to Pete at JabiruUSA, who has retired, by the way.  Nick Otterback of Arion Aircraft, also at Shelbyville, TN airport, is taking up the Jabiru torch for us mid-westerners.  Pete went through the usual suspects like the fuel pump to engine case seal, the oil filter adapter seal and fittings the connect the oil cooler.  But all of those look oil tight on my engine.  I, however, do see oil wetness on the rubber tubes that connect the oil supply to the hydraulic lifters.  I believe the latest Jabiru design replaced these external tubes with internal passages.  I happened to be in the Shelbyville, TN area last week so I picked up a set of rubber tee's.  Pete told me I had to remove the heads to replace the tee's so this will be a little more extensive of a job than I thought.  That also led me to buy a set of push rod o-rings.

I will report out on how this goes, but I wanted to ask around to see if anyone else has had an issue with small oil leaks on their Jabiru engine and what your findings were.

Thanks for listening,

Dave G

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It won't help David's problem, but the external oil lines were deleted with serial # 2210 and the oil circulates through hollow push rods instead.  I've got # 2427 and have no oil leaks at 500+ hrs.  One additional benefit of deleting the external oil lines is that the area they occupied was "filled-in" completely with additional cooling fin area, improving cooling:

(The small gap between the center and aft cylinder above is closed off with a baffle plate of my own design to further enhance cooling, but between the center and forward cylinder, the baffle is not yet installed and you can see how they filled-in the area with cooling fins when the external oil lines were deleted.)



had a oil leek at the rubber tee , it had a crack in one of the tees I was so Disappointed in Jabiru it cost me $44. plus shipping total of $51 just to buy one rubber Tee $$$ that was crazy$$$


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