Hi All.  I have a 601 with the Jabiru 3300 engine.  Tried to start it this morning and got quite a jolt when I rotated the key to the start position and after the engine did not start after a few seconds I rotated the starter key back to OFF.  But the starter just kept on cranking.  Repeatedly rotated the key from off to mag position and back but the starter kept on cranking. Finally rotated to key to off position and started to climb out of the cockpit when the starter stopped on its own.

After some searching on the internet I found a Service Bulletin from Jabiru describing exactly this problem. https://jabiru.net.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/JSL009-1_Starter_S...

HOWEVER, per the bulletin I do NOT have the solenoid that is likely to fail and should be replaced.  So, apparently, Jabiru supplied solenoids are pretty much ALL crap.

So several questions:

1) any one else had this problem?

2) has any one tried a wiring change, like a diode access the solenoid contacts, to prevent the electrical arcing the can weld relay contacts together?

2) Instead of replacing my flaky solenoid with another crappy solenoid from Jabiur is there any good reason I should not just go find a good, universal replacement solenoid at an auto parts store and install that solenoid instead of a crappy, expensive one from the factory that will take days to weeks to finally arrive at my door?

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Hi Gilbert,

I've got 600+ hrs and 7+yrs on my Jab 3300 (#2427) and have never had a starter solenoid problem.  I did put a diode across both the master and starter solenoids.

However, I'm not aware of any widespread problem with Jabiru starter solenoids - for years, I've followed the Jabiru engine owner's forum on Yahoo and can't recall ever seeing a post about a hung starter solenoid, nor do I recall ever seeing a post about it on the Zenith.aero Forums, either.  Although not applicable to your case, I'm glad Jabiru issued a Service Bulletin back in 2013 when they did identify a problem in a particular batch of solenoids.



I built a RANS S-19 powered by a JABIRU Gen 2 3300.  It started fine Tuesday to taxi to the fuel farm but barely cranked when I tried the second start.  I charged the EarthX 900 which required a BMS (Battery Management System) reset.  When I turned on the master switch the engine cranked over.  I moved the I ignition switch to run and the engine started,  but when I shut it down the starter was still running but not engaged.  It stopped when I turned off the master switch.  Still working the problem but suspect a failed starter selonoid.

Sure sounds like welded-together solenoid contacts from arcing - did you have a diode across the contacts to prevent arcing?



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