Does anyone have a quick, easy, non-messy, environmentally friendly method of removing the annoying paper labels from the parts? I've been useing a heat gun to loosen up the glue and MEK to remove the glue from the aluminum part. Acetone doesn't seem to cut the glue very well, WD-40 leaves a mess and goo-gone is ineffective.

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Thanks for the tip.
I've had no trouble with the Acetone. But I keep thinking if the aircraft is half as good as the glue I'm in great shape.
Rubbing alcohol works good. Put a couple drops on the label and let it soak and it will peal right off . A little on a rag will wipe the glue off easily also.
good ole gasoline works also
I have used laquer thinner to remove all of the labels withour any problems it also helps remove the markings from the aluminum. I have a plastic bottle with a thin spout, I spray a small amount of thinner on the label and let it soak thru the paper then peel it off and clean any remaining glue with a rag and small amount of thinner. No problemo!!!!
Acetone works great. Wet the label and let it set a few seconds. It will then come off pretty easy with your fingernail.
I use a heat gun (hair blower type). It usually comes off in one piece. But be careful the AL gets hot


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