Anyone have suggestions for fuel line mounting? I have sections where the line will run inside but on the outer skin.
I could just screw on an adel clamp but then there would be an exterior screw head.
Not a big deal but I'm wondering if there is a more elegant solution that keeps hardware internal.

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It might help to mention which model Zenith in which you're running the fuel line  since this is the Open Forum.


Zenith Forum Moderator

It's a 701, but the principle is just mounting things to outer skins regardless of model.

I understand that it's a rather generic solution you're looking for, but occasionally someone will also give some additional information -  a tip, trick, or a "gotcha!" - that applies to a specific model and proves to be helpful.


Hi Shawn, 

I don't have a picture close at hand. But I supported aluminum fuel lines and electrical

wiring by rivetting  L shaped brackets inside the skin. The mfg head(s) of the rivet is placed on the exposed side of skin.

You can then use grommets or adel clamp on inside with bolts,nuts and washers hidden 

inside wing structure. That said, the odd exposed bolt head on a 701 is not that noticeable.



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