Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
Does anyone have the original Zenith fuel line items that they did not use? For example, the gascolator, shut-off valve, nipples, T-fitting and maybe even the 3/8 rubber hose. I am curious to see what guys have laying around and what kind of deal I can get, thanks!
Yes, I believe I have all of it. Call me at 915.276.2697 if interested
Sent you a PM!
I've got all that junk too! Only thing I used was the gascolator. Not sure what I was going to do with it BUT I highly recommend you don't use the hose unless you route it someway to make it easily changeable... If I remember the specs, I think it only has a 5 year lifespan... :(
I am looking for the andair ball valve 3 way fuel selector. Do you have one for sale?
Steven, I would encourage you to use aluminum fuel line and AN fittings , you can get these from SUMMIT RACING CO . the 3/8 line is very cheap from them as is the AN fittings , I suggest you run your fuel lines down the forward door post , behind the dash then down to the bottom of the fire wall [ the lowest spot and easy to drain from, I mount the fuel valve on the dash so it is easy to get to and visible , just remember the AN flairs are 37.5* not 45*,see my plane page ..BOB
Thank you Bob, I have been struggling with the fuel line issue. I am getting ready to rivet up the interior and I really need to make the command decision regarding the fuel line. I am leaning more toward your idea, thanks again!
Steven, For a second I felt bad for now letting you know what I had, but then I realized this request was fufilled already. For what it is worth I am going with solid line.
Here is what I ordered that is on its way, I will let you how they look.
I joined my local EAA thinking I might have a loaner tool program. But actually its just a bunch of nice GA pilots that take kids for rides. So I might have to buy a $90 flaring tool. We should start a loaner tool program for this Forum. People pay a refundable deposit.and a non-refundable shipping. I know I would to save $75 on a tool I will only use for a short while. Have you heard of anything like this on the forum?
Anyway I plan to go at a 45 deg angle like the stock tank nipple to save the hard 90 deg. I bought a couple of the nuts that I hope will work to start learning and testing my flaring skills. Trying to get me first wing mostly closed up.
Hi John! Thanks for the info and part numbers. I am clueless when it comes to the AN fittings. I have read so much on fuel lines lately that it has got almost confusing. I think I will use the 3003-0 line inside the fuse but use the rubber at the wing attach points for safety in a accident. I am looking forward to seeing how your fuel system turns out. Can' t wait to see some pic's!
Hi Steve I know this is an old post but I have all but the gascolator it's yours for the shipping sorry I didn't see this sooner ron
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