So my current aircraft was built and flown as a conventional gear 601hd with an 0-200.  

I purchased the aircraft without logs or engine and a collapsed main gear leg.  I'm still a way off from being ready for flight but the damaged gear has been removed and has been replaced with a custom spring gear system. The conventional gear is being converted to tricycle and my plan is to replace the engine with a Corvair conversion.  

I did get a proper bill of sale and the aircraft registration and N number transfered to my name without issues.  

Given the state of the aircraft, it doesn't seem right to go the route of simply applying for a lost airworthiness certificate. Then there is the missing logs.  

Anyone who has lost logs or bought a project that needed major repairs, your advice would be most appreciated.

Charlie Miller

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Normally, missing logs is more of an issue as to the purchase value of the plane, since the logs give the history of the airplane. However, since it has no engine, lack of log documentation of engine hours/overhauls/etc. is a moot point!  If you are comfortable with the airframe's present condition, lack of logs shouldn't be any problem with the FAA - people buy certified airplanes with lost logs all the time - they just don't pay as much for the airplane!  You mention applying for a lost airworthiness certificate - was this not included in the sale documentation? - you should have received the operating limitations, too.  Obviously, the plane will have to have a valid airworthiness certificate and operating limitations for legal flight - you can get copies of both from the FAA.

Since anyone can do repairs on an EAB, I think what you'll have to do is repair and re-engine the airplane (I would recommend keeping both a "builder's log" and start an airframe and engine log) and get a current annual inspection by an A&P (since I assume you didn't build the plane nor have a repairman's certificate for the plane - you'll need the A&P to sign the annual, and, if I were doing a project of this magnitude, I'd likely want an independent inspection by an A&P for piece-of-mind anyway!).  Then, you'll want to contact your FSDO for a test area, log the plane back into Phase I testing (usually for 5 hours - it's in the operating limitations document), then complete Phase I testing, log the plane back into Phase II and you should be good-to-go!

Before you get too far along, I'd recommend a chat with the controlling FSDO about the project.  Although everything is supposed to be per regulation, local FSDO's interpretations of the regs vary all over the place. One person's experience in one area of the country might be quite different than that of another's and another FSDO.  If you do (and document) the majority of the repairs yourself, you might ask the FSDO about the possibility of getting a waiver that would allow you to get a repairman's certificate for the plane so you can sign off your own annuals - normally you have to be the original builder of the plane, but apparently some FSDO's have allowed this!

Good luck!



Thank you John,

I've been busy this summer repairing the damaged landing gear and some hanger rash. Now things are coming together and I need to get the paperwork in order. Sounds like it's time to make a phone call and start talking with my FSDO. 

I've tried to document all my repairs with photos time and dated. 

Currently I have no builders log other than the photos, any suggestion as to a format of builders log.

Thanks again John I've made a list for my call to the FSDO and feel a little better about my direction forward.



I've tried to document all my repairs with photos time and dated. 

Currently I have no builders log other than the photos, any suggestion as to a format of builders log.

Sounds like you're almost there with a log if you have timed/dated photos!

I bought a "builders log" from Spruce, but a simple notebook will do - just tape the photos to the pages in-sequence with appropriate comments alongside and that should be good.  Again, hopefully you might be more likely to get a waiver for a repairman's certificate if you come armed with good documentation! Even if they tell you "no way," the "builder's log" will be a helpful documentation of your repairs in the future when the details of things get fuzzy!  ;>)


I may just over think these things.  I'll do as you did and purchase a builders log from Spruce. Then get all the photos and documentation in before I get too much ahead of myself.


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