After trying for the last couple of weeks to assemble the tires and rims I have given up. the O-rings supplied by Matco absolutely will not fit. It has two problems one it is way to small to go over the rim and two it is  to stiff, even with three people pulling together we were unable to even get it close to where the instruction say it should be to reassemble the rim. I have tried all that was suggested, I have lubricated the rim. put the O-ring in boiling water etc.  and still can't even get it close. All I accomplished so far is to destroy two of the O-rings supplied and to scare the neighbor next door when I launched a rim out the hanger door almost hitting him.

So what I am looking for is another source of rims that will fit the landing gear. does anyone have any suggestion as to who makes something that will work.

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Forum Moderator's Note:

Van posted this identical topic as a blog, also.  Phil Smith responded with an excellent, detailed description of how to install O-rings on Matco rims ... I install them similar to the way Phil does and have never had a problem using this method - the only difference is that I use silicone grease instead of a sealer. The blog with Phil's response is located here.  

Technically, posting identical topics as a blog and as a Forum topic isn't against the Member Rules (it is, however, against the rules to post identical topics in 2 or more Forums!), but it's probably best to either post a topic in a Forum, or as a blog, but not in both places so as to cut down on confusion/duplication.

Thanks, Van, for your question and participating in the Forums!

John Forum Moderator

After going through the same ordeal as you did with blood blisters on my fingers and much cursing, I ended up buying new o-rings from a different vendor. The are very inexpensive. The o-rings supplied just would not stretch enough. I bought a couple different softness ratings (durometers). I think the 80 durometer worked well for pulling it up to the bead part of the rim. Piece of cake, and they sealed up nicely. I put a thin coating of silicon on the mating surfaces of the rims to help seal. 



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