Hi guys;


Anyone know if there is a list of locations (towns) where MD-RA inspectors are based throughout the country?  Been trying to find one in my area (Northwestern Ontario) but no one I talk to seems to know. 


If I can't find one locally then it's gonna be a pain because we have to pay mileage for inspector to attend the area to inspect the build.  There website does not shed any info on which areas they are based out of.  Sent them an e-mail but no answer yet.  


With the price they want for mileage, it may be cheaper for me to pack up my build at inspection time and take it to them instead! That's fine for the pre-cover inspection but for the final at the airport base of operations, it could be an insane price!!! :(


If I can't find one, I may volunteer my services to become one after my build. Anyone know the process involved? Not much info on their site about that either...

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Have you spoken directly to MDRA? 1 877 419 2111 .

I am currently going through the final inspection process in Kitchener area. Conrad

As Conrad said, one (1) phone is all that is needed.  As for paying extra for the millage, welcome to the club.!



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Zenith-Aero admin. 

Hi Mark,

The only place you MAY find inspector information is at the MD-RA office.

They can tell you who is closest to your location.  

Undoing the plane to bring it to them for final inspection is a lot of work. Remember, the plane has to be in

flyable condition for them to inspect it.

As for becoming a MD-RA inspector, there used to be weekend seminars given by Transport Canada in order to

become an associate inspector/MD-RA inspector. I don't really know where that all went.

I'm actually looking into this also. I'll keep you posted with my findings.

The inspectors are few, near big cities and getting old. I think new blood will be required soon...

Cheers, you're almost done.



Got a hold of a MDRA dude on the phone.  Nice guy.  Says there is a fellow being trained in my area and he should be up and running by the time I'm ready for any inspections!!! :D

Asked him about volunteering and he said they always welcome interested parties. Volunteers can just send in a resume and when there is an opening in a specific area they review the applicants.

Being an ex- AME is a plus on my part but they actually prefer having an applicant that has actually built a home-built plane. Gives them an idea that you would have a better understanding of what's involved for this part of the industry.  Guess they won't be needing one around my parts for a bit, but it still looks like it would be a fun thing to do and a good learning experience.

Had my precover inspection completed on Saturday, and thought i would fill you guys in because this was a grey area for me, and i was nervous about it. Once you send in your apllication form and fee's for the precover inspection, they will send out the name and contact info of your inspector. I called him and within a week he was at the farm. I had all sections ready for him to inspect inside and out, and he applies decals to the sections as he inspects them. Decals, like the one's on your license plate on your car, they dont come off very easily, and go one somewhere where they will not show after final assembly inless you ar looking for them. He was there about 3 1/2 hours, and liked my plane. The only deficiency he found was i needed to change out the nylon lock nuts on my engine mount to high heat style lock nuts. He gave me permission to proceede, and close everything up. Norm, the inspector was very helpfull, and i asked him lots of questions about the final building process and first flights. He is a builder himself, and an engineer, so all in all i was satisfied after the inspection and relieved that i was doing a good job.


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