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I am in the process of mounting the horiz stab and elevator on a 750 stol and I see that on the bottom of the stab near the front there is an oval hole where the control cable passes through. Just ahead of that there is a 70 mm L angle with 3 rivets attaching it to the skin . Does any one know what is the purpose of that L angle? Thanks
John N.,
I think you're confusing the L angle David's describing with the L angle supporting the elevator cable fairlead. The L on the bottom/front of the HT forward of the hole for the elevator cable is probably there simply as a skin stiffener - someone correct me if I'm wrong!
The L angle you're describing is on the top/rear of the HT and supports the elevator cable fairlead:
There are discussions of this here and here. Some do replace this with a pulley, but it really is not necessary. As long as cable deflections are just a few degrees through a fairlead, they're almost frictionless and the nylon 6/6 is "self-lubricating." I've got about 400 hrs on this assembly in my plane and there is no detectable wear. Chris Heintz is the master of keeping it simple and light!
Thanks John.
I am not near as far as most of you are so I am still learning. Thanks for the correction.
I have the tail completed and working on the slats and flaperons. Hope to start on the wings in a month or so.
Thanks again,
John Nichols
I have not built the slats yet but I did run a landing light wire through the trailing edge of the wing and left it coiled just behind the wing tip. I did rivet the wing tip yet so I still have access to that area. I was going to run the wire through a grommet in the leading edge of the wing and out to a grommet in the slat directly behind the landing light. I have the wing tip strobe wire and the landing light wire and pitot tubes running through the trailing edge of the wing and attached them to the rear channel. I am not saying that it is right but thats the way I ran it
Any chance you could post a pic of the one in question, I hope to build someday and I am trying to learn all the quirks that other builders experience. Hope that makes sense.
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