Scam or the future? Anybody with a background on this stuff that can cut through the BS?

Don Honabach

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I'd like to see links to published papers in peer reviewed scientific journals before even considering investing.

Scam.  The improvements they claim are so small, the average person would not be able to measure them.  Automakers have made bigger improvements in their products over the last 10 years than this magic potion claims.

Scam in my opinion.  Modern oils are very very good.  The video claims 30% of an engines power is lost to friction, which is flatly wrong.  There is probably about 30% lost in waste heat, but that's a completely different problem.  If 30% were lost to friction an engine would quickly melt into slag.  

Additionally while nano tech is very useful for a lot of thing, some of it is disastrous to the environment.  This makes me skeptical when I see it used in a product that is intended to be consumed in this way, vs something that is more permanent like glass coating, photovoltaics, catalysts etc.


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