When I built my STOL 750 about 9 years ago, the Cruzer did not exist.  I had a 2100' turf strip and all my buddies had strips at least as long.  So, not needing "superSTOL" capabilities, nonetheless I was impressed with the solid, all-metal construction of the STOL 750, the unparalleled visibility, and decided to build one!

I had previously flown a STOL 750 both slats-on and slats-off, so during Phase 1, I tested my 750 in both configurations.  I later decided to remove the slats, add StolSpeed VG's, and did some clean-ups with fairings, 600 series tires, etc. to enhance the cruise speed - eventually ending up with a solid 82+ kts cruise.  I put about 600+ hrs on the 750 in that configuration and loved every minute of it!

HOWEVER, it seems STOL is getting more popular by the minute, and I'm not flying cross-country as much as i used to, so while at the Zenith Homecoming in Mexico, MO, recently, I decided to enhance the plane's STOL performance by re-installing the slats and installing bigger tires when I got home.  Roger, the demo pilot at Zenith, is a very poor salesman! ;>)  Instead of convincing me I needed to build a Super Duty, etc., he said, "You don't need to build another airplane - if you re-install the slats, it'll be like a whole new airplane!"

He was right!

When I returned home from the Zenith Homecoming, I re-installed the slats, put 21" tires on the mains and the 800 series Carlisle on the nose, and got re-acquainted with my STOL 750!  It was like getting back on a bicycle - it all came back to me!  On my first flight, I flew up to KCSV (Crossville, TN) and proceeded to land right on the numbers.  It was a fairly long taxi to the first turn-off!  Some wag in the pattern broke in on the radio and said, "Next time, just land it on the ramp and save the long taxi!" LOL!

So, I'm back into re-discovering the joys of STOL!



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To avoid creeping this thread, I have re-posted Mel's reply (above) as a new topic "750 STOL Windscreen Alternatives" in the Open Forum.  Please send replies about his windshield question to the new topic and not here.



Zenith.aero Forum Moderator

I am well into a 750 STOL project I took over. Original builder did not want slats and closed in the wings without the mounts for them. I plan to complete the project without slats and have followed your earlier postings of flying without them. Can you give me any insight on CG differences and calculations?


My slats weighed 14 lbs (painted) and after recalculating the CG, it only shifted on average about 5mm forward. This must be pretty accurate as there are no noticeable trim changes with/without slats!  As I recall, the datum is taken off the leading edge of the slats, so, to make any future measurements easier when slats are removed, I referenced that datum to the distance forward of the center of the main gear wheels, which was 760 mm forward in my case.

If you've followed my other posts, you'll probably know that I recommend the Stolspeed VG's if slats are removed - very little difference in takeoff and landing roll but you can't get quite as steep approach and departure angles.



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