I was looking at a few of the pictures from the latest fly-in out west. I saw a Zodiac that looked particularly good. It led me to deciding to polish-finish my Zodiac instead of painting. Problem is, I don't know where to start. Any one with experience on packages, where to get them, technique, etc??

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I used the Rolite polishing system which I bought from http://www.topoftheline.com/rolmetpolkit.html. I don't know if Rolite is any better than Nuvite, there are opinions both ways, since I never tried Nuvite I don't know. I chose Rolite primarily on one comparison I read of a guy and his wife who took aluminum samples to both the Rolite and Nuvite booths at Oshkosh and compared the results.

It's a slow and dirty process as you can see from one of the pictures I've added to my webpage here. Note I'm still building so my plane has no time outdoors in the elements so I can't tell you how this is going to hold up but I think annual or semi-annual lite polishing (basically like waxing) will keep it looking good.

If you go here http://www.nuvitechemical.com/procedures.asp you can download a Nuvite polishing manual that provides a lot of information on how to.
So i went with the rolite and started with an oribtal polisher i got at my local hardware store for 30 bucks. After an hour and half i'm starting to think i didnt get one robust enough. What did yall use? Where from?

I guess if i add to much pressure the orbiter just stops rotating and vibrates. I dont mind the vibration if only i felt like it meant i was making progress. Thoughts?

Being the lazy sort who does not like to do things over, it raises the question:

If I do a nice mirror polish, can I overcoat the polished surface with a clear sealer to keep it that way?  I am thinking of things like automotive clear coat.  Anyone over done this or similar?

I'm using Nuvite to polish my plane. You can look for me on this site and see a posting of the first piece that I polished. It was the top nose fuse skin. Several builders has used Nuvite. Scott Laughlin being one. He has a nice website (http://www.cooknwithgas.com). He has several photos of the polishing process.

I'll attempt to upload the pdf off the Nuvite site that details a process for their polishing system.

Hope this helps
I'll also try to upload a pdf off the Sonex site that details the polishing process for Nuvite
Great information guys. I have a question that I have been too lazy to look up or try out different solutions for. I like to make a lot of notes on the skin with a sharpie, as simple reminders (like "Forward" "Top" "L"/"R" centerline marks etc). Whats the best way to get that off, just polishing? Also the skin on my horizontal stab came from Zenith with the "6061T6" markings on the outside. Same solution?

I used the Polish that is rolled up in a can like a cinnamon roll. Pinch a small amount of and rub. It takes all markings off very easily.

I used denatured alcohol to remove both. Got it in the aviation department of Home
Heh heh heh... like it.
I did the same thing! Works like a charm!


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