Plans say mount inside fuselage, but i saw a picture of it installed outside the fuselage under the outlet fairing. Which is correct?

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Since you posted this topic in the Open Forum (non model specific), it would be helpful to mention which Zenith model you're building - 701, 750, etc.

John Forum Moderator

Sorry, It is the ch750 stol,

The plans do call for it inside. I have seen flying 750's with it mounted outside as well. I put mine per plan on the inside.

Side note: You may run into clearance problems with the cable touching the skin when the cables are in movement. I did. My solution was simple, you simply widen or elongate the hole in the fuse skin as needed. The aluminum fairing does a good job of covering up the hole if you need to do this.

.. and be sure not to cut in the longerons when widening the holes (I did :-(  )


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