Have any of you completed this SB to add this bypass between the fuel supply and return lines?  It applies to my 350iS and most older UL engines with serial numbers below 191401. It's not mandatory.

The purpose as I understand it, is to make an engine restart easier in the event of an engine failure in flight caused by air in the system, unporting one of the tanks fuel feeds, or running a tank dry.

I'm trying to get an idea of how difficult this modification is to install and are the benefits really there.

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David, it is a simple task to complete and I think worth doing.  It may already have the fuel pressure regulator with bypass depending on the year of your engine. Hardest part will be taking off your baffles.  When you do so, if you haven't done already, replace any rivets holding the top/bottom baffles pieces together with screws. It will make any routine maintenance work much easier.  Good luck with it!


Thanks for the input David. Good idea about using screws on the bottom and top halves! Probably give the install a go tmrw. 

...there is even space to put nutplates in the bottom half, so you don't mess around with threading short screws into bolts which tend to get dropped while trying to engage the threads...


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