Given that Jabiru owners want smoothness in their induction path... Given that SCAT has wires inside and SCEET is fabric lined inside... (see the aircraft spruce link and poke around)... Given that the site explicitly states SCEET "Has less friction loss than similar non-lined ducting."... 


Why do we use SCAT instead of SCEET?   

Related question: Why SCAT instead of CAT (or SCEET instead of CEET)?  The site says they are are identical except for color, and the non-S (which is black instead of red) is cheaper by the foot.  What's up with the red? Tradition? Holiday Spirit? :-)

Using both questions: the 2.5" SCAT that a Jabiru owner requires is $8.45 a foot.  The 2.5" CEET (black, and fabric lined inside, lower friction) is $8.50 a foot.  Within a nickle.  So, it ain't price.  Why don't we use CEET?

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I've seen SCEET not recommended because of the potential for the smooth lining to come loose and obstruct the duct - don't know if that's true or not. Sounds like it would only be a problem with SCEET in really, really bad shape!

I believe the correct hose i.d. for the airbox to Bing carb is 2.25" i.d., not 2.5". Don't use any of the alphabet soup hoses! Go to your local auto parts store and rummage through their bins and find a piece of reinforced radiator hose with a 2.25" i.d. and a 90 degree bend. These hoses have perfectly smooth bores. I initially found I couldn't comfortably clamp it to the Bing because the thickness of the hose wall interfered with the fuel line and fire sleeve. However, when Pete at Jabiru USA gave me a vane insert to straighten the airflow to the carb, I had plenty of room to clamp the  hose to the vane insert so I used it then. I had great results with even better balanced EGT's (serial #2427) and increased rpms with no stumble at WOT. I think my hose was about $13 - had to cut it down quite a bit closer on each end to the 90 degree bend.

The actual connection between the carb heat air box and the carb is already radiator hose on my aircraft.  And, I just made and installed a vane set, with remarkable results.  See

I'm just sort of curious about all the other hoses.  Cabin heat, Muff to carb heat box, Ram air to carb heat box, and so forth. 

Interesting about the lining. Replace every couple of years anyway... 


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