I should receive my CH750 fuselage, and eppenage kits in mid March. In the meantime, I will be clearing out my 20'x20' woodshop and converting it into a mini-hangar, for my first attempt at building an aircraft. I am excited to get going, and  would really appreciate some help from you 750 builders.


The shop is configured with an 8' door on the north end, and oriented to the east side, There is a  30" wide workbench on the west side. I gleaned somewhere that a perfectly level 4'x16' work platform located in the center of the shop is recommended for assembly work. I assume it should be about 32" high. I'll store all my woodworking tools in the barn, and plan to leave a drillpress and a bench grinder. I can store completed structures/components in the barn awaiting final assembly in a rental hangar.


I would appreciate your thoughts on the work platform, and any suggestions you might have on tools that would be helpful in addition to those that I have ordered from Zenith. In addition, I would appreciate any other advice you might offer to make the build easier. I think the old adage about "not having to reinvent the wheel" applies here.


I'll look forward to your comments. 

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David, as for your woodworking tools, you can leave some of them out. I used my band saw and benchtop belt sander to cut and finish many aluminum parts. I used a cordless drill for almost all of my hole drilling. I did not want the noise of an air system nor the cords to trip over. It adds some weight to your hand but it was worth it. I bought an extra battery for those days when I did a lot of drilling.

I cannot comment of the height or length of a workbench for a 750, but for my 601, 12' worked very well. I did not have much more room to work with as I used a two car garage that still had other 'stuff' in it.

Good luck and happy building!


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