Time to start the fued !  Garmin SL40 or ICOM A210 ?

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Neither - get a MGL V6 - fits in a 2 1/4" hole, weighs 240 grams (when the package arrives, you think it's empty! LOL!), has every conceivable feature plus a "true" stereo intercom for up to 4 positions, digital noise suppression, music input, alarm input, flip-flop frequency selection, memory channels, etc. Seems powerful - no problem being heard. But the best part - just a little over $1000! I highly recommend purchasing the optional pre-wired harness - has your jacks, music input, etc. already installed and every wire is labelled. Made the whole thing an easy afternoon installation and required NO troubleshooting. I'm not affiliated with MGL, just obviously a happy camper!

There shouldn't be any fued.  They are both good radios.  Even the MGL V6 John mentions sounds good.  Ultimately it comes down to personal preference and how much cash you're willing to part with.

Hi Jim
I have a 601 XLB & CH 750 both have the Icom 210 fitted I am very pleased with the radio and have had no problems with them

Thanks, guys.  Off to Oshkosh.  May come back with something, or just more confused ...


I have the A210 in my 601. It is difficult to read on a sunny day.  Alan

MGL V10 here. The second channel monitor function (like the SL40) is a feature I like. The SL40 takes too much dash space so I went with MGL.

I've also got the MGL V6 sitting in a box, along with the harness, ready to install. Haven't had a chance to use it, but I sure do like the form factor. The wiring harness is heavier than the radio.


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