Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
An A-10 Wart Hog version of tiger teeth...Ala P-40s
Must scare birds out of the way...haven't hit one...yet!
The CH701 (CH750 included) do not actually fly. They are so ugly the earth repels them !
Looks like your having fun with the ugly part. I also am a big fan of the A10 Warthog. Pure function vs aesthetics.
I also am a big fan of the A10 Warthog. Pure function vs aesthetics.
Amen, Bob! I would take a low-level flight in an A10 over a ride with the Blue Angels any day! :>)
Well since you’re driving a 701 ya need to paint some bugs on a few of those teeth :)
Had the pleasure of working with those guys back in the old Cold War days when they were helping us guard the Fulda Gap from hordes of Soviet armor formations. They’d loiter a few KMs away at a Release Point, I’d give them the target location over the radio, they’d acknowledge inbound to the target (“Number One inbound”) You’d never see them until they’d announce their transition from low level flight to engagement flight over the frequency, and the call was always the grunting, pushing voice of a pilot pulling serious Gs (“Numberrr Whuun is uuup”) and suddenly there he’d be, just over your shoulder, appearing suddenly from behind a low ridge line in a near vertical climb with a quick negative G pushover, then he was in a shallow target dive followed shortly by that distinctive BUUUUUURRRRRR of that 30mm cannon spewing a hail of titanium-hardened rounds at the target with a cloud of shell casings raining down in a dark swarm of brass. At the sound of the gun the target, usually an old armored vehicle, would instantly begin disintegrating in what looked like a thousand puffs of smoke accompanied by chunks of flying steel. As soon as the gun stopped growling the aircraft was in a hard pull-up break and the pilot was grunting his break to his wingman, who would respond with his call “up” and then take his turn chewing up the remains of the target. It all happened in a few seconds and was a helluva thing to witness. Amazing. Thanks for the memory.
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