I just installed a Uavionix Tail beacon on my 601XLB

i am having problems with getting acceptable FAA reports

Uavionix has been helpful trying to resolve the issue.

anyone here have positive or negative experience with the Tailbeacon?

im not sure if its my plane/installation or a defective tail beacon 

it’s not getting a very good gps signal.

before I send it back I’d like to hear your experience with a tail beacon.


Dave N601XP

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I am building a 650 B and am very interested in the uavionics tail beacon system. Since I have not purchased or installed the tail light assembly as yet, I have no info to share. However, I would like to follow your links for future referencing and also get your, and other's experience in the installation process if possible.

The only thing I noted which was posted by them relative to the uavonics tail beacon was a notice about a distance spacing limitation from the unit to the antennae, thus I also wondered if the cable would require special shielding to eliminate rf interference in the event it passed close to the antennae?

Good luck in the solution.

~Ron Moore

Not sure I can answer your questions
I installed the tail beacon in my 601XL
GPS receiver was weak, not picking up a strong enough signal to pass the FAA ads b test.
Uavionix was helpful trouble shooting but nothing helped. Sent it back and they sent me a brand new replacement. Decided to go with another system so the Tail beacon is up for sale right now at a discount.
If you use one make sure to have a really good ground, don’t rely on the hinges on the rudder to complete your ground, I ran a separate ground attached to the airframe.
The fit around the taillight assembly is tight, I had to use a dremel tool on the fiberglass fairing and the depth is also a tight fit.

So Dave, what did you end up going with?

I picked up another Skyguard Vision Pro to replace a defective one


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