Hey all!

I have a bit of an odd request. I am running some early weight and balance calculations for my Cruzer to help me make my engine selection. One of the numbers I am missing is the arm for a typical UL350 installation. I'm trying to determine how far forward any specific point on the engine is from any specific point on the airframe. Could someone let me know any one of the following distances?

From the the aircraft datum to any location on the engine.

From any location on the firewall to any location on the engine.

The back of the prop flange to the firewall.

You probably get the idea. Please remember to let me know the exact locations you are using for your measurements (e.g. the location on the firewall and on the engine.)  I can figure the rest from there.

Thanks much everyone!

Don Lynam

Cruzer Builder 

Madison, WI

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