So been flying the 601 for close to eight years now, and " Rivet the wonder plane" as my wife calls her,   is flying great.....  However,  Uncle Sam has mandated we put ADBS Out by 2020.  A forced facelift......  Ugh.....

Question,  anyone one ready to tackle the issue yet,  if so what are you guys doing, as far as retrofitting the panel.  Ipad with Out? Blue Tooth set up with Dynon, ?  let us know......

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I already had a Sandia 165R remote digital transponder and an iFly 740 moving map GPS. I added a NavWorx ADS600-EXP to give me ADSB in-out. It has it's own internal WAAS GPS and transmits flawlessly via WiFi to the iFly.  The NavWorx can be direct wired to a digital transponder or has a dongle to "sniff" the transponder altitude squawk from the transponder antenna cable - that makes it compatible with any Mode C transponder. The iFly already has the necessary menus, etc. to display and filter the ADSB traffic and weather data. The traffic data is presented as targets with projected flight path, altitude relative to me and whether they are ascending, descending, or level. If they have ADSB-out, I get their tail number, too! The iFly has a far superior display than any tablet including iPad since the screen was designed for aviation and is about 3 times brighter (1300+ nits - iPads are about 420-450 nits) and doesn't wash out in direct sunlight. NavWorx and Adventure Pilot (iFly) have great technical support, too! 

I'm not affiliated with either company but obviously a satisfied customer!  :<)



I have  Dynon Skyview set up with the new GPS 2020 receiver.

At Airventure, asked FAA ADSB reps how to get a report if my install was in compliance.

They stepped to the computer, looked up my tail number and low and behold, FAA had 20 flights on the screen, the oldest 7 highlighted in red, the last 13 highlighted in green and N650SJ was in complete compliance following the date of my install and updating the system as per Dynon instructions.

It felt good to know I am in compliance, but a little weird that all my flights are listed in FAA database.


 Jerold, I would say it's scary that all of your flights are listed.  Tom

I don't know if all ADSB boxes have this, but the NavWorx ADS600-EXP has a user-selectable "Autostealth" mode that does not broadcast your tail number and keeps you anonymous when squawking 1200/VFR - perfectly legal within the FAA regs!


Like John, I've installed the Navworx ADS600-EXP for the out.  Using an Android tablet and Avare (free android aviation GPS app) for the in.  Works great.  I've been flying it since May.  The FAA reports for my plane show that it is good.  It was and easy install.


best value ive invested in avionics so far works great with garmin aera796 , gtx327 xponder ,

and gdl39

feds like it too , passed all tests so far

I've look at this, but what turns me off so far is the statement on the web site, "Currently under FAA authorization testing". I had read somewhere the FAA would not accept portable models for ADS-B out.


no problem used in experimentals, portable unit not sold anymore, current model for permanent mount.

unit hardmounted in my 601xl

Flying with the Skyguard TWX Vision Pro Plus displaying on an Ifly 720. Very easy installation and as John says, lots of information given on the traffic on the Ifly. The Skyguard Pro Plus is 2020 compliant.

Would buy this combination again. Starting to see lots of good choices in this area.



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