So this is 20+ years coming after getting my pilot's license and never owning an FAA-certified aircraft.  There's been a lot of rentals, several ultralights, paramotors, gliders, but this will be our first "real" aluminum-skinned airplane.  My youngest, 13-year-old son is very much an engineer at heart and struggles with doing the redundant and "unnecessary" school work.  He's always wanted to build an airplane after doing numerous projects on his own. The kid can fly a Skyhawk or Piper just as good as anyone, especially off of instruments since he wasn't able to see over the dash.  An on-going airplane project such as this seems to be the motivation he needs to get the good grades and to get prepared for a future in engineering/aviation.    

After looking at the STOL 701/750, Xenos B, R12, Highlander, we have decided on building a Cruzer as a good all-around, safe airplane.  The visibility and short-field performance fit the bill as a good PPL trainer and as a fun weekend camping plane to the numerous dirt strips and lake beds around Utah.  We will most likely go with some 6x6 wheels to start with.   
I'm talking with Viking and Aeromomentum, along with looking for a good used 914.
We just ordered the intro rudder kit along with Zenith's tool kit to get started and we look forward to finding and joining the homebuilt resources that seem to be available.  We're in Farmington, UT our home airport will be KBTF.  We look forward to sharing and working with you all!

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