Welcome to the UL Power Forum!  This is the place to post a topic that is specific to UL Power engines or accessories.  Also, you may find topics the manufacturer has posted in response to questions in the other forums - feel free to participate in those discussions, too!   If your topic is of a more general nature, it might best be placed in the Open Forum or if it is only relevant to a specific Zenith model, place it the appropriate type-specific forum.  However, please do NOT "cross-post," i.e., post the exact same topic in two or more forums! 

More information is available here.

Thanks and again, welcome!


Zenith.aero Forum Moderator

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My wing tanks on my Cruzer both connect to a header tank, with a separate level indicator from the wing tanks.


Have you read the Member Rules and checked your Inbox? (Look under your name in top right corner of page and click "Inbox.")

Your topic was deleted twice in this (UL Power) forum because Zenith.aero does not allow "double posting:" posting identical topics in two or more forums.  You posted the identical topic in the 601/650 forum.  I immediately sent you a message (check your Inbox!) explaining why, but to reiterate:  At first glance, posting the same topic in two or more forums seems like a good idea - more responses likely, correct?  That's true, but what then usually happens is that 2 or more different discussions develop and may contain different information.  Anyone following then has to check multiple forums to be sure they didn't miss any valuable information (or corrections!). Some may not even be aware the same topic is being discussed elsewhere or may not be subscribed to all forums.  Remember - the discussions are for the benefit of all the members, not just the one posting the topic!

Further, other members tend to "copy cat" what they see - so if others start posting the identical topic in two or more forums, it will quickly lead to clutter, needless duplication, and chaos!  In summary, place a topic in the forum that is either the most relevant or will have the widest exposure, but place it in one forum only.

Please continue with your topic in the 601/650 forum - I left it posted there rather than here because fuel unporting would be more relevant to fuel plumbing and tank design rather than the engine, so the 601/650 forum seemed the best placement.  Thanks for your cooperation and participating in the Forums!



Zenith.aero Forum Moderator


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