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Thanks and again, welcome!


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Thanks for adding this forum.  I will be getting my UL engine soon, so I hope to get answers here.

How to do compression test on 350i what should compression be?

Gary J Lail

what kind of sparkplugs,oil filter,air filter,from autoparts places 350i

Hi Gary,

Thanks for participating in the new forum! Although this forum is not meant to replace manufacturer support, I'm attempting to see if we can get a UL Power representative to monitor this forum and provide useful information.  Hopefully, some forum member with a UL Power engine can answer some of your immediate questions, but all aircraft engines I'm familiar with have installation and maintenance manuals with the precise information you need - do you not have those manuals?  Looks like they're available for free download here.



can not find the information in the manuals, it saids compression is 8:1 ,should be able to buy oil filter,and sparkpluges at autoparts store, thanks for any help

thanks John downloaded maintenance manual and found every thing I was looking for(thanks for help)

I fly behind a UL 350 iS, in a CH650B.  WICKS AIRCRAFT SUPPLY: Oil filter item No. E042010, $8.69 (8/2017)

Copper ring (drain plug) S3141815, $ 0.78, Air filter E062001, $33.60

Spark plugs, 3 ground electrodes, used in Porsche cars:  EBSRACING.com,  FR5DTD Bosch $3.60 ea  These are the same as the ones as in the engine when shipped.  

Al Baensch, 

Can you tell us more about your ch650B performance?


Bruno, without knowing what exactly you are looking for, I can only generalize.  My engine is from 2012, has about 140 hours of run time, and 115 hours actual flying.  It starts promptly, cold or warm.  The other day it was in the 40-ties and I saw 900+ fpm climb at 80 to 85 mph with 3/4 fuel and pilot only.  My airport is at 3250'.  With the 2-blade Whirlwind prop I see only a bit over 2600 RPM at full power, but performance is very good, much better than, say in a C 172 with 2 on board.   I see around 115 mph IAS at 2450 RPM and 6000'.  With the Dynon panel, the numbers bounce around a lot and it's hard to zero in.  At that pace, fuel consumption seems about 6 gph.  The engine is not as economically as the Rotax variety, but the plugs show good burn, no soot, but lead deposit with LL100.  Presently, I am flying auto gas, but have not had the plugs out.  Coming up on annual next month, I will replace them with new, as they showed noticeable erosion of the electrodes.

On the 14.5 hour flight from Canada (11//16), the only long trip I have taken so far, it used 1/2 liter oil, which I was advised was normal.  Otherwise, the engine has started and run like clockwork so far.  Boroscope last annual showed clean cylinders.  I will soon check valve clearances, which the previous owner had just done, and I did not repeat.  Summary:  So far, very good!

Al B

thanks a lot


Thanks for the info. Around here, northwest Wisconsin, 100 LL is universally available.

You mentioned lead deposits on your spark plugs and that you are now using Mogas.

There is a product called Swift 94 --which is unleaded 94 octane--that is available from Price County Regional airport-KPBH- Phillips, WI, about 48 miles from my home base at Saywer County Regional, KHYR. So, we are looking at 1hr. 30 min. round trip, so, maybe 9-10 gallons.

Which UL Power engine do you have? I have installed a 350is and fear that available Mogas is too low in octane.

Ted Galdi

Hi John, I have posted the below topic twice now on this forum and it has been taken down twice, any reason why

(topic deleted by Moderator - you can see the identical topic "Fuel Unporting" in the 601/650 Forum)

Nick Brownlow UK Builder


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