As moderator, I want to ask all members to review their profile picture (Click Settings in upper right corner box to access your profile settings). The Member Rules require that you post under your actual name and with a picture of yourself.

I realize some members are "camera shy" and really don't want to post a picture of themselves, so they instead post a picture of their plane, their kids, their dog, or the neighbor's wife (Just kidding! Wanted to see if you're paying attention!).  When I became the moderator, I did not try to strictly enforce the personal profile picture rule as there were already so many non-compliant ones out there! Since then, I have encouraged new members to post a personal picture ... it's really nice to associate a face with a name and even helps one recognize friends they've made on the forum when they attend events such as Zenith fly-ins and the AirVenture banquet. I, myself, was guilty of an inadequate picture - I formerly used one of me beside my plane - made it easy to identify the plane, but my face was so tiny in the picture that it was useless for identification!

I would like for all members to review the Member Rules and if you do have a personal picture that you can comfortably use for your profile, please use it! Just go to "Settings" in the box under your name in the upper right corner of the page and you will find the information to change your profile picture.

Your consideration and cooperation is most appreciated!

John Forum Moderator

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John, I'd be quite happy to post the same pic I started with, but here's the deal: I have been bumped off the list several times, and, not being a computer geek, spent a lot of time figuring out how to get back on, etc. Each time I have tried a different picture, as I thought I was following custom. I'm not exactly rule-averse, but I am a small-d democrat. If the rules are necessary, I appreciate being told the reasoning behind the rule, as you have by explaining that it is required by NSA, FBI, Interpol, Darth Vader, and the site's farcial recognition software.

You are personally one of the nicest guys I've ever met, so my inclination is to do anything you say without a whimper.

I am also very grateful to Zenith for providing this free service, and I do, out of courtesy, owe them and you a certain amount of compliance. I kinda thought some variety would be an interesting way of conveying some information about my interests (outback, rock art, dogs, women) and a way of distinguishing my "new" persona every time the computer kicked me off and required me to re-register. Please note that I did not kick about being kicked off, but I confess to a bit of grumbling beneath my breath (all right, there might have been a dirty word or two in there).

So I'm doubly guilty of putting a pic, not only of my dog, but my girlfriend too on there. It's gonna have to stay until I can figure out my computer problem (all of my pix files have disappeared) and post a regulation mug shot. I don't know how long that will take, so please bear with me. If I'm kicked off again, well, I reckon it's the price I have to pay for my impertinence. 



PS: We didn't fly my BFR today because the instructor was not comfortable with the change from slats to VGs. He thinks it's a modification requiring FAA paperwork (a "377?"). Bear in mind that I'm not the builder. Can I have an A&P sign it off? What all is needed besides flying another five hours of Phase 1? I don't have an official practice area because the original Phase 1 was flown in AZ. Do I need to go kick the sleeping FAA tiger again over this?

Hey, John, was that pic of you taken about a hundred years ago? It doesn't look like I remember you. Maybe you should post a new one? Now, if I can just find that charcoal sketch the Parisian artist did of me back in the last millennium . . .


Don't worry too much about the pictures - I'm just trying to keep things more-or-less on track! Ha! Just don't use the neighbor's wife's picture ... Kidding again!  ;>)

Rather than creep this thread, I'll send you a PM about Form 337 vs Phase I testing but short answer is you need Phase I testing, not Form 337.

And no, that's a recent picture ... I'm getting younger every time I fly my 750!  ;>)


The dog got all the lovin,' and he's better lookin' than I is.

Sorry about the creep--was trying to kill two birds with one stone.

My neighbor's wife has a wife, but I ain't her type. Besides, haven't you ever been told that all philandering should take place a minimum of 50 miles from home? Hundred-dollar burger, indeed!

Your 750 ain't THAT fast--braggart! ~(:>)}}}


They said to say cheese, and then snapped this picture. What can I say?

Found the reason for the sudden rash of ZAC logo's! The forum software had been changed to default to this, so all new members not immediately selecting a personal picture were defaulted to the logo. This has been corrected and now the default will be a typical "no photo" icon.

I have already had many new members go ahead and post a profile picture and I thank them for their cooperation!

Please review your profile picture and if possible, pick a personal picture that conforms with the member rules.



Will comply as soon as I get to the bottom of the mystery of how all my pictures disappeared and I get something acceptable done. Until then I hope you'll be able to put up with the pic of my dog and girl friend.

De nada,


John, just to let you know that I finally figured out how to access my picchurs, and have changed my photo from my handsome late dog and my still-present girlfriend to one of myself holding this world-record specimen that I bagged (being modest, I didn't submit it to Boone & Crockett) just outside of the Pronghorn Antelope Refuge in Oregon a few years ago. I'm sure everyone will be relieved to not have to look at my dog and girlfriend anymore!

Ditto to Wayne's initial post. My "regulation" profile pic was posted on my profile data page. But, it would not load up on this site, or the web page - after many attempt with it and other JPG pictures. I guess that I wioll remain an outcast. 

Cheers/Bill Stepp


We don't want any "outcasts!"  I'm not too swift on the technical side - you might contact Efe Cim Elci and see if he can assist you.


Hi John. I'm a new builder and new to this online resource. I've had the same issue as Bill, being unable, a number of times, to upload any jpg of any size to my profile. I'll try again, but perhaps there is another minor system glitch.
Tried it from my phone and it worked! And my camera survived, just barely, the ordeal too. Just feel sorry for those that will now have to endure seeing it. :-)

I've tried numerous times over the last 2 or 3 weeks to upload a profile picture with no success. Tried several different ones still with no success. Just tried uploading from my phone too, still no success...


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