Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
I haven't seen or heard anything about a Zenith Banquet at AirVenture 2014. Last year seemed like a great success and there was a comment that we planned to do it again at the Elks Lodge in 2014. Does anyone know anything about it?
Thanks for the reminder guys!! Yes, we're definitely planning the banquet once again. When I last spoke with Joe Scheibinger about it we were planning on doing the same thing as last year except that it was going to be held on Wednesday, July 30 (and not the customary Thursday evening). This is so that we can also attend the EAA Homebuilders Banquet on Thursday evening, where we will be discussing the One Week Wonder project and honoring the the many volunteers working on the One Week Wonder project.
I've requested that Joe share news and details about the event that he so graciously coordinates every year, as well as RSVP info.
I'm sure there will be a conflict with something every night, but I wonder if Friday might be better as there seems to be an influx of people arriving Wednesday/Thursday who stay for a few days to catch the big Saturday airshow? <sigh> ... Thursdays were perfect!
Personally it does not matter to me (nor to the Zenith staff) whether it is Wednesday or Friday evening. I agreed with EAA not to hold it on Thursday evening this year because of the Homebuilders Banquet but we can certainly return it to Thursdays in future years. John, you can check with Joe to see if Friday is an available alternative to Wednesday.
Joe says an announcement will be coming out tomorrow, but Friday night venues were all booked, and at $$$$ rates! Like I told him, "Hey, I had to try!" Ha!
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Transition training:
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