Rear view of the 68 tooth Upper Cog Belt Sprocket - part # VWT4002 and Timken Roller Tapered Bearings and Seal and 1.25" Axle Nuts...

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Comment by Ron D Leclerc on November 18, 2011 at 4:30pm

Hey Jesse

Check out Al Shimpa's page... he is using the same engine with a redrive.  Maybe he can help you there!


Comment by Jesse Hartman on November 18, 2011 at 4:10pm

Hey Ron.  Thanks for the reply.  I will be using a twin cylinder suzuki engine from an Arctic cat z1 turbo.  This engine makes 177 hp, but I will derate it to about 150hp.  Climb rpm will be about 6300 and cruise 5200-5500. I guess I will have to look into a machine shop when time comes. This engine is a twin cylinder 4 stroke fuel injected turbo. I belive the engine and redrive should come in under 200 lbs. This engine in snowmobile form cruises at 6000 rpm all day long and has redline of 7850.   There are also people getting over 350 hp from this engine with stock internals.   I have watched your video of the engine running on the front of fork lift and it sounds very mean and responsive.  VERY cool.  Thanks for your time.  Talk to you soon.

Comment by Ron D Leclerc on November 18, 2011 at 1:04pm

G'Day Jesse...

That is a pretty big sprocket!   What engine are you using this on?   What HP rating? That is about a 2.63 drive ratio!

My redrive is my own custom design... so the sprocket hub is specific to my Stub Axle design!  it took me a long time to get it designed the way that I wanted it for my negine.   My engine is a beefed up VW Type 4 engine with a 2L Porsche bottom end.  I'm looking at about 115HP.  I was going to go with a 2.1 drive ratio(38/80 teeth) but decided after I got my engine deigned that the 1.79 drive ratio was best suited for my needs!

The biggest problem that I had was finding a CNC machine shop in my city that would make the sprockets and not wanting a 40 year mortgage to do the work!  Well this did not happen... I was fortunate to locate a fellow on the AirSoob list who could do the work... problem he was located in South Africa.  He did excellant work.  The fellow that referrd him to me is from Irland.  He built the 2.1 version for his Soob EJ22

He will be doing the rest of my parts... I wanted to see how well his CNC work turned out before I gave him the final ok to finish.  He will do my Stub Axle, Lower Bearing Boss - 4130 pats and Tracking Ring, Clamp Ring, Sub Axle Hub and sone special Thrust Washers!   His pricing was very good... but it is the shipping costs that are a killer, if you can get by that it's no big deal.  I was happy to accept the shipping costs($135 for the 3 parts via the Postal Service - 5 days)  considering that I could not get pricing that I could live with here!

Let me know if I can help!   email is -  cdnch701 "at"


I don't know if I can help or not



Comment by Jesse Hartman on November 17, 2011 at 5:00pm

Hey Ron.  Where did you buy that upper pulley with the (hub) machined into it?  I will need about a 100 tooth upper and 38 lower, and would be nice to find a place that has the (hubed) sprocket. What am I looking at for price you think 500-600 bucks for pulleys?

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